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19.03.2021 13:59 •  Английский язык

Нужен краткий пересказ этого текста 8-10 предложений. на ​
in the summer of 1905, a young man was sitting at home after a da whle rocking his one year old baby, he thought something over sudderly me was born, an equation which would came to himl the equation e change our understaryding of the universe but would help to create the nuclear albert einstein was aware of recerit developments, such as mane cunie's research radioactivity but he had been working on his own his mould-breaking equation showed how a small piece of mass could produce an unbelievable amount of einsten then demonstrated in his theory of relativity that not even time, mas or length are constant - they vary according to our pespective of them for example, we could see prople moving at the speed of ight, they would appear much heavier and larger and would seem to move in slow motion by the time einstein had become world-famous young ex-lawyer returning from the fint worie war started work at the mount wilson observatory in california. using the most high powered telescope of its time, he began painstakingly slow observation of nebul patches of light that appeared outside ory edwin hubble was on the brink of makir greatest astronomical breakthrough of thtury he discovered that these nebulae were in galaxies like our own, millions of light yea ay from us, which proved that the universe w larger than had previously been thought. th hubble proved that the universe is actually ndng and that the further away galaxies are the faster they move. just before hubble's law was published in 1929, another far-reaching finding was made by the son of a scottish shepherd. before going on holiday, he left a petri dish with bacteria near the window of his laboratory when he came back, he was just about to throw the dish away when he noticed something out of the ordinary he double-checked and saw a blue mould in the dish around which the bacteria had been destroyed this blue mould was in fact the natural form of penicillin which fleming realised was an effective way of killing bacteria. a few years later, penicillin was being mass-produced and helping to ave the lives of millions. despite the outcome of his discovery, fleming remained modest and unassuming nature makes penicillin,' he said, 1 just found it he wcas not even involved in manufacturing it. during the second world war when penicillin was first being used, the us navy wee wayn of improving the accuracy of their artillery shells, but this involved complex caliulations the navy turned to eckert, an engineer, and mauchiy physicil, to produce a machine to do the job although they and their team did notfinish the machine until after the war. n february 1946, it did not matter computer eniac (electronic numerical integrator and computer) was huge, measuring 100 feet long by over 10 feet high and weighing over 30 tons it contained 18,000 tubes and had more than 6,000 switches. it comumed so much energy that when it was turned on, the lights in the local town went dim however, it worked and it was the first programmable computer. y spom au paonpaud pry i the computer argved too late tp help in the next ground-breaking find from the mid 1940s, biologists knew about a molecule that had an important role in passing on genetic information for all living things. however, they did not know how it worked and the race to find this out had begun then, two young scientists at cambridge university saw the results of some studies by rosalind franklin. the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle had fallen into place. in 1953, watson and crick published their model of the dna molecule as a result, in 2000, after years of time-consuming and expensive research using computerised data processing and despite many setbacks, the so-called 'genome' for human beings was discovered the four chemicals in our dna combine to produce a code that would over 500,000 pages of a telephone directory and that contains information about our 100,000 genes. already, this has helped doctors to cure some hereditary illnesses and the outlook for the future seems promising

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16.01.2022 20:32


Объяснение:Лос-Анджелес станет культурной столицей тысячелетия.- Это ...

заявление было сделано недавно "вице-президентом по культурному туризму" Лос-Анджелеса, который

затем пошли дальше, чтобы заявить, что есть больше крупных музеев на душу населения в городе

Лос-Анджелес больше, чем в любом другом городе США (300, если быть точным), не говоря уже о " большем количестве художников,

писатели, кинорежиссеры, актеры, танцоры и музыканты чем в любом другом городе мира

история цивилизации”. Его заключение? "Лос-Анджелес - самая увлекательная культурная страна

пункт назначения-Америка.”

Если Лос-Анджелес и может претендовать на роль культурной Мекки, то только благодаря Музею Гетти.

Из этого музея изобразительных искусств открывается вид на город с вершины холма Санта-Моника.

памятник культуры. Это стоит намного больше $1 млрд, что заставляет людей принимать к сведению.

Три миллиона человек посетили Гетти в первый же год его существования. Они заходят в здание

те же самые автобусы, что везут их в Диснейленд и Беверли-Хиллз. Почти ...

сразу же он стал частью LA tour-художественного музея, который соперничает

Universal Studios, Голливуд и пляжи Baywatch.

5 прочитайте текст еще раз. Являются ли эти утверждения истинными или ложными? Исправьте любой

лживые заявления.

1. В Лос-Анджелесе насчитывается более 300 музеев.

2. Посетители Музея Гетти могут увидеть много картин.

3. Музей Гетти находится в центре города.

4. Строительство музея обходится более чем в миллиард долларов.

5. В году три миллиона пошли в Музей Гетти.

6. Музей привлекает таких же туристов, как и Universal Studios.

0,0(0 оценок)
27.09.2021 12:40



1. I should not have told him this news, he was so upset, but I had to do it.

2. You should have seen how he played. You have lost a lot.

3. She should not have let him say this. She needed to explain to him that he was wrong.

4. You must have already spoken to him, I see that you know everything.

5. He must have forgotten to send them a telegram. He had to remember that he had to send a telegram.

6. You must tell him everything.

7. Although she was unpleasant, she had to tell him that he was guilty.

8. You must follow the rules of the road

9. They must have mastered the subject well — they answered all the questions.

10. You probably heard about the accident that happened yesterday near our house.

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