Ну you are a student at york university in england. read the rubric and find the key words. you have seen the following advert in the weekly herald and would tike to apply. write your letter of application. include: why you would like the job, why you think you would be good at it. part-time/weekend sales assistant for city centre gift shop must be trustworthy and have a friendly, sociable personality. would suit a student. please apply in writing to: simon willis, po box 234. decide which of the following would be appropriate for a letter of application for this job. • how many brothers and sisters you have • previous work experience • how many gcses/other qualifications you have • where you saw the advert • what you look like • why you are interested in the job • what pets you have • your positive qualities • negative things about your personality • when you are available for an interview • when you could start work • what languages you speak • your plans for the summer • your age • what you do/what you are studying compare with your partner. give reasons.
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