Процветание, достаток. He was at the very climax of his prosperity.знак. It is a small token in admiration of your worksзаклинать, колдовать. He conjured up a spirit восстановление, излечение. The patient made a quick recoveryспуск, снижение. The only path that goes down to the river is a rather steep descent, so be careful.Воскресение, Воскрешение. It was the Resurrection. Ароматный, благовонный. The soup was fragrant with herbs. загадочный, таинственный. There's something enigmatic in Mona Lisa's smile. означать, значить. What does his strange behavior signify?солнцестояние. It was the day of summer solstice. Костер. They danced around the bonfire. Венок She twined ( twisted) flowers into a wreath Рииуал, обряд. The priest will perform the ritualдоговор, соглашение. The two countries are drafting a treaty
A: What did you do last summer?
B: I worked at a petrol station.
A: What did you have to do?
B: I had to wash windscreens.
A: Did you have to serve the customers?
B: No, I didn't.
A: What did you do last summer?
B: I worked at a swimming pool.
A: What did you have to do?
B: I had to teach swimming.
A: Did you have to play with small kids?
B: No, I didn't.
A: What did you do last summer?
B: I worked in a hotel.
A: What did you have to do?
B: I had to carry the customers' luggage.
A: Did you have to deal with money?
B: No, I didn't.
A: What did you do last summer?
B: I worked at a fast-food bar.
A: What did you have to do?
B: I had to prepare the food.
A: Did you have to clean?
B: No, I didn't.