When we talk about world created by humans, we can see the imbalance, lack of harmony. We have created Internet, computer games, we have become technologically advanced but all of this has not made us healthier, live longer, even happier... When we talk about nature, the natural world, we can see how simple it is, there are birth, life and death... Mother Nature has always been great at achieving balance, harmony... In the end, we, humans are children of nature and therefore worlds created by us will be inferior to natural world. Basically, humans are just a part of natural world, and we will be spending quite a long time and a lot of efforts to get a bigger picture...
1. Does his mother play the guitar very well? - Его мама хорошо играет на гитаре?
2. Does the child ride a bicycle? - Ребенок катается на велосипеде?
3. Do the pupils write a control work? - Ученики пишут контрольную работу?
4. Do their grandparents watch TV in the evening? - Их бабушка и дедушка смотрят телевизор по вечерам?
Общий вопрос - это вопрос, ответом на который будет ДА или НЕТ.
Для это используем вс глагол DO или DOES и ставим его в начало предложения.
DOES для he, she, it и ед. числа:
his mother - его мама (ед.ч); the child - ребенок (ед.ч)
DO для I, You, We, They и множ. числа:
the pupils - ученики (мн.ч.); their grandparents - их бабушка с дедушкой (мн.ч.)