Everyone in the company knows that motivation is extremely important. it is no doubt, that the most common way to encourage employees to carry out their duties is money. To my mind, money is the most powerful instrument that influences on people’s attitude to job. Money and monetary rewards are the best employment motivation strategies. Besides, money is the only thing that can motivate people working in the harmful conditions. I can say that money is definitely the finest motivator. To draw the conclusion, giving out monetary rewards is one of the oldest and proved motivation strategies for the staff.
To our excursions were interesting, we came up with the project "living exhibits". The blockade of bread, letters from the front and diaries of the war years, we describe here the faces of the participants of those events.For example, the story of the diary of Vsevolod Bogoraz, resident of the siege of Leningrad: "I got up very early. It is very cold. The mood is good, working. Cut a few boards for firewood. Worked parse books. Then went to queue for bread. A huge queue of people 100,120 .Came back, cleaned the bathroom, flooded the evening. Cold."