Написать ессе "modern world: virtual reality or real communication. вопросы на которые нужно ответить в сочинении: 1.why more and more people use computers nowadays 2.point out if computers actually make our life easir 3. what you use computer for 4.why you think teenagers are greatly attracted by computers 5.state where you see the right balance between the virtual reality and real communication
There are a lot of different schools in Kazakhstan. They can be private, boarding, high schools or lyceum. You can study 9 forms and go to the college or stay and study full 11 years and go straight to the university. In Kazakhstan you have special classes like self-knoledge, self-defense and etc. You have a timetable for 6 days. It shows you, what classes you have to attend and do home work for. Kazakh school education consists of 3 grades. They are junior school, secondary school, senior school. Also there's a special exam in 9th form. It shows your real grades.