Once upon a time I decided to walk with my friends in big scary castle. We stand near big black gate. But we are not afraid, we are brave. We went to the castle, and suddenly turn on the light, gate closed. And we saw big, cruel, angry ghost with vampire, zombie, witch, necromancer. They said that they want to kill us. From the sailing began to drip blood, next to our feet crawlings snakes and worms,back run shivers. And all villain ran to us. they jumped on my friends and broken their head, legs, arms, ate their ears, eyes. Suddenly I heared loud cry:''Wake up, you need go to school. And enough to look at the night thriller, please''
By 5 o'clock, Peter looked at almost all of its records and felt very tired. "Today, it is sufficient, it is time to go, the match begins at 5.30," - he thought, and quickly put on his coat and hat and went out."Hello, - he heard his voice familiar Where's your hurry?" Peter looked around and saw his classmate Paul, also a fan (football), who chose the book at the book stall (a bookstall). «At the stadium, of course - said Peter. - You're not coming? "" No, do not you know that the match is canceled? Smirnov for two weeks of training at the conference, and at Panin something with his foot. At first (they) wanted to take Boris, but then his candidacy was rejected (it was rejected). ""It is a pity, - said Petr.- I've been longing to see this game. In addition, my parents had not yet arrived from Kiev, and I have no mood to stay home today. "" I have predlozhenieI - said Pavel.- Let's go to the movies. I go get the newspaper, and we'll see where that goes. Good?""No, - said Petr.- This is not a reasonable proposition. I prefer to stay outdoors. Let's take the (hiring) a boat and go down the river. It will be useful to it (bring us more good). "