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На вопросы по тексту.заранее ) generation gap: reality or a psychological prejudice to my mind generation gap is rather reality than a psychological prejudice. it has always been a topical problem and it still remains urgent nowadays. so what does a generation gap mean? it is a popular term used to describe big differences between people of a younger generation and their elders. this can be defined as occurring 'when older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and behavior'. the term first came into prominence in western countries during the 1960s, and described the cultural differences between the baby boomers and their parents. although some generational differences have existed throughout history, during this era differences between the two generations grew significantly in comparison to previous times, particularly with respect to such matters as musical tastes, fashion, drug use, culture and politics. nowadays you will hardly find a boy or a girl satisfied with their parents. neither will you find a grown-up, a parent not grumbling over 'younger generation' of their children. pop music, ultra-modern clothes, noisy parties and children's wish to have more freedom become a stumbling-block on the way of mutual understanding between adults and their offspring and help foster differences between parents and teenagers. so it seems that in most families parents don't understand their children and children don't understand their parents. according to the older generation teenagers are lazy, carefree, ungrateful, impolite and rude. they wear ridiculous clothes, listen to awful music and all they think about is parties, dates, friends and entertainment. teenagers have very little responsibility and very few problems. but is it really so? if we look inside the mind of a teenager, we will see a very different picture. teenagers are greatly worried about a great number of things: their appearance, relations with friends, parents and teachers, the way other people (especially their peers) treat them. they suffer from pimples, bullies, problems at school, misunderstanding with their boyfriend/girlfriend, lack of self-confidence, etc. teenagers often don't know what they are good at and their future seems to be rather vague. every day they face a lot of stressful situations and feel depressed. besides they have constant pressure from betters and elders as to how they should act, behave, look and feel. there are a lot of books and films devoted to the problem of the generation gap. one of such films is 'freaky friday' (2003). the wide generation gap between tess coleman (jamie lee curtis) and her teenage daughter anna (lindsay lohan) is more than evident. they simply cannot understand each other's preferences. they have absolutely different views on clothes, hair, music, duties and even people. on a friday morning the mother and the daughter switch bodies. as they adjust with their new personalities, they begin to understand each other more and eventually they gain respect for the other's point of view. it is 'selfless love' that changes them back. but of course there is no magic in real life, that's why there should be some other way to bridge the gap between parents and their children. to my mind communication is the best way to solve the problem. the more time adults and children spend together, the more they talk and discuss different things the better they understand each other. it is very important to be selfless and open-minded, patient and sincere. despite the great changes in the electronic and technological environment in the last several decades, a defined gap does not separate today's generations as it did in the sixties and seventies. so the 'generation gap' can disappear. if we are a little wiser, children will find a key to the heart of their parents and vice versa.

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20.12.2021 21:26

M There are 20 nouns connected with medicine in the box below. Use them to complete the sentences - in some cases you will need to make them plural. The first one has been done for you as an example.

accident allergy ambulance biopsy consent course examination excess exercise injection intake overdose paroxysm progress rash recurrence surgery tendency treatment vaccination

1. He developed an allergy to penicillin.

2. He suffered paroxysm of coughing in the night.

3. She went into a coma after an overdose of heroin.

4. The patient will need plastic surgery to remove the scars he received in the accident.

5. She took a course of steroid treatment.

6. He had a recurrence of a fever which he had caught in the tropics.

7. There is a tendency to obesity in her family.

8. From the examination of the X-ray photographs, it seems that the tumour has not spread.

9. The doctor gave him an injection to relieve the pain.

10. He doesn't take enough exercise; that's why he's fat.

11. The injured man was taken away in an ambulance.

12. She was advised to reduce her intake of sugar.

13. The biopsy of the tissue from the growth showed that it was benign.

14. The parents gave their consent for their son's heart to be used in the transplant operation.

15. The doctors seem pleased that she has made such good progress since her operation.

16. This is a new treatment for heart disease,

17. Her body could not cope with an excess of blood sugar.

18. Three people were injured in the accident on the motorway.

19. Vaccination is mainly given against cholera, diphtheria, rabies, smallpox, tuberculosis and typhoid.

20. She had a high temperature and then broke out in a rash.

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19.12.2020 14:26

Сүйіспеншілікті адам алғаш шыр етіп дүниеге келген сәтінен бастап сезіп-көре бастайды. Мейірімін төккен ата-анасының ыстық құшағында олардың аялы алақанын сезіне жүріп, өмірге төселеді. Есейе келе толағай сүйіспеншілікті айналасынан көру-көрмеуі екіталай. Әйтсе де, адам өмір бойы сүйіспеншілікті іздеп, дауыл алдындағы шағаладай шарқ ұрып өтері анық.

Барша ғалам шынайы сүйіспеншіліктің жарқын көрінісі десе болғандай. Мәселен, шуағын төккен күн көзі және судың буға, одан бұлтқа айналуы, сонан соң жауын болып топыраққа нәр шашуы – ғаламдағы сүйіспеншіліктің жарқын мысалдары. Масатыдай құлпырған сан алуан гүлдер көз жауын алатын әсемдігімен қараған жанның жанын жадыратып, көңілін шалқытады. Жапырақ бетіндегі таңғы шықтың күмістей мөлдіреген пәк бейнесінен сүйіспеншілікті

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