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15.08.2020 10:24 •  Английский язык

Look at the list of tasks in the first list. in particular, look at the words in bold, which are telling the writer/speaker what he/she must do. match these words with a suitable definition of the task command in the second list. two of these definitions can be used more than once.

1. account for the increased use of technology in modern society.
2. analyse the effects of climactic change around the world.
3. assess the improvements you have made in your english since you started using this book.
4. compare the lifestyles of young people in britain and young people in your country.
5. define the word ‘hope’.
6. demonstrate the different features of this computer.
7. discuss the advantages and disadvantages of growing up in a single-parent family.
8. elaborate on your feelings about capital punishment.
9. estimate the costs of setting up a website for the company.
10. evaluate how useful our class visit to the bank of england was.
11. examine the causes of global warming.
12. explain the sudden interest in old-fashioned toys such as yo-yos.
13. identify the person who attacked you.
14. illustrate the problems the national health service is currently facing.
15. justify your reasons for refusing to help me.
16. outline the history of the motor car in the last fifty years.
17. predict the changes that we are going to see in information technology in the next ten years.
18. suggest ways in which you can become a more efficient student.
19. summarise your feelings towards a united europe.
20. trace the development of nuclear technology from its earliest days.

a. describe what you think can be done in order to achieve something.
b. tell in advance what you think will happen.
c. explain, with real examples, why something has happened or is happening.
d. give a brief history of something, in the order in which it happened.
e. give the meaning of something.
f. talk about something with someone else, or write about it from different viewpoints.
g. calculate (but not exactly) the value or cost of something.
h. give a broad description of something without giving too much detail.
i. explain something closely and scientifically.
j. write or talk about the different aspects (e.g., causes, results) of something.
k. explain something in more detail than you did previously.
l. look at two things side by side to see how they are similar or different.
m. explain something in a few main points, without giving too much detail.
n. say why something has happened.
o. show or prove that something is right or good.
p. show how something works, usually by physically operating it so that the other person knows what
it does and how it works.
q. give a physical description of somebody.
r. calculate the value of something

Показать ответ
30.06.2020 11:55

2. The parade …..(start) at 10 am so let's hurry. *

3. Petra looks upset because she …… (lost) her lucky charm. *

4. The kids …….(watch) TV at the moment. *

5. Kate is tired. She ……..(work) since morning. *

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive or -ing form.

6. Her parents don’t let her ……. (stay) out late. *

7. Sue promised ….( study) harder. *

8. After …..(do) the household chores, I always relax on the sofa. *

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

9. James (wait) for a while and then (open) the door to see who …. (make) that strange noise. *

10. Sam was really happy because he …(pass) all his exams. *

11. Yuri …..(work) on his computer for two hours before it …….(break) down. *

12. I …..(mop) the floor while my brother ……. (cut) the grass. *

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense: future simple, future perfect, future continuous, future perfect continuous.

13. She …… (play) football for three years in June. *

14. He …….. (drink) three litres of water by the end of the day. *

15. The film …. (start) by the time you arrive. *

16. If you're going out, I ……(come) with you. *

17. I can't go out on Saturday or Sunday night. I ….. (study) all weekend. *

Choose the correct answer.

18. Pete is ……. helpful person of all. *

the least



19. As Ivan grew up, he got taller and ….. *

the tallest



20. The more you exercise, the ……… you'll become. *




21. This T-shirt is …… cheaper than the blue one. *




22. Tom is …….older than his brother. *


by far


Put the verbs in brackets into the passive.

23. This building ……..(estimate) to be at least 200 years old. *

24. Our house…… (burgle) last night. *

25. £100,000 ……(donate) to the local orphanage by somebody who wanted to remain anonymous. *

26. All the packaging ……(must / remove) before placing the pizza in the oven. *

27. How often ……..( cats / should / feed) ? *

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

28. If you stop eating so much junk food, you(lose) weight. *

29. If you(mix) blue and yellow, you get green. *

30. If Katy had worn a helmet, she(not hurt) her head when she fell off her bike. *

31. If only I(not get) angry at Tim today. *

32. I wish I(not be) so afraid of the dark. *

33. If we all (use) public transport more instead of cars, pollution will be reduced. *

34. If you(play) a team sport, you would be a lot fitter and healthier. *

35. If I wasn't on a diet, I(order) a dessert. *

Report what each person said.

36. "We are going on a hike tomorrow," John told me *

37. "Have you still got a sore throat?" Amanda asked. *

38. "Go to the doctor's," Jenny said *

39. "Fortunately, she didn't break her leg," Samantha said to me *

40. "Matt's got a really bad headache," Andrea said. *

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12.09.2022 00:16

Scotland is a one of the most attractive and visited countries in the world. It is a part of the United Kingdom and it lies in the northern part of Great Britain, occupying almost one-third of the island. The southern border is shared with England. Its northern, western and eastern parts are washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. Scotland is known for its exquisite liquor and breathtaking landscapes. The highest mountain in the British Isles, Ben Nevis, is situated there. It is located in Scottish Highlands. A famous British poet and lyricist Robert Burns wrote many poems and songs about these highlands. However, Scotland is associated not only with mountainous areas, but with bagpipes, kilts, haggis, Loch Ness monster, historic architecture and cobblestone streets of its capital city Edinburgh. Perhaps, the best time to visit this country is the last day of the year, during Scottish New Year, called Hogmanay. It’s a public holiday with major all-night celebrations, which are among the largest in the world. The largest and most visited cities in the country are Edinburgh and Glasgow. While Edinburgh is the historical, cultural and educational heart of Scotland, Glasgow is its financial and industrial center. Other major and attractive cities are Aberdeen, Dundee, Inverness, Livingstone, Perth. Scottish flag is known as St. Andrew’s Cross. It’s a white cross on a blue background. According to the legend St. Andrew was the patron saint of Scotland, who was crucified on the similar cross. Having so many rivers, lakes, highlands and green areas, this country is believed to have one of most beautiful sceneries in the world.


Шотландія є однією з найпривабливіших і відвідуваних країн у світі. Це частина Сполученого Королівства, яка знаходиться на півночі Великобританії і займає майже третину острова. На півдні вона межує з Англією. На півночі, заході і сході омивається водами Атлантичного океану і Північного моря. Шотландія славиться своїм вишуканим лікером і захоплюючими краєвидами. Найвища гора Британських островів, Бен-Невіс, знаходиться там. Вона розташована в Шотландському Високогір'я. Знаменитий британський поет і лірик Роберт Бернс написав безліч віршів і пісень про це високогір'ї. Проте, Шотландія асоціюється не тільки з гірськими районами, а й з волинками, картатими спідницями, стравою з баранячих потрухів під назву Хаггіс, Лох-Несським чудовиськом, історичною архітектурою і брукованими вуличками її столиці Единбурга. Можливо, найкращий час для відвідування цієї країни це останній день в році, т. Е. Напередодні шотландського Нового року, який називається Святвечір. Це державне свято з великим нічним торжеством, які є одним з наймасштабніших у світі. Найбільшими і найбільш відвідуваними містами в країні є Единбург і Глазго. У той час як Единбург є історичною, культурною та освітньою столицею Шотландії, Глазго - це його фінансовий і промисловий центр. До іншим великим і привабливим міст відносяться Абердін, Данді, Інвернесс, Лівінгстон, Перт. Шотландський прапор відомий як Андріївський хрест. Це білий хрест на синьому тлі. За переказами Святої Андрей був покровителем Шотландії, якого розіпнули на аналогічному хресті. З такою кількістю річок, озер, високогір'я і зелених зон, ця країна славиться одними з найкрасивіших пейзажів в світі

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