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16.02.2023 08:03 •  Английский язык

Listening . Task Listen to Trent Simons and mark the following sentences TRUE or FALSE. 1. John has the same tastes and personalities as his brother.

2. John’s parents see him and his brother as two individual people

3. John and his brother usually play computer games together. Total [3]

Reading . Task. Read the text and circle the most suitable answer. Checking out second-hand city

Do you love to go shopping, but seem to spend all your money on just one or two items? If so, why not consider hunting around for cheaper, second-hand options? With a little time and patience, it’s possible to find some great bargains. Take a look at the shopping alternatives we’ve come up with.

Car Boot Sales

People bring unwanted things that they dig out of their attics and garages to a car boot sale. Anything from children’s toys to sports equipment can turn up at these sales, which are usually held at weekends or on Bank Holidays.

Second-Hand Shops

Good second-hand shops can be full of surprises and are often the perfect place to pick up a bargain! Many shops often specialize in certain items such as rare books, designer clothes and antique furniture.

Charity Shops

People donate used clothes, shoes, toys and other different items to charity shops where you can usually buy them for next to nothing! The money often goes to help people who are hungry, homeless or who live in poor developing countries.

Christmas Bazaars

These are wonderful places to buy handmade gifts, Christmas decorations and second-hand items. The beauty of these bazaars is that all the money raised usually goes to charity, so you can shop till you drop knowing that it’s all for a good cause! So, next time you’re in the mood to shop, instead of using your credit card, head for ‘second-hand city’.

1. What does this text mainly explain? [1]

A) how second-hand sales raise money for charity B) where you can go to buy second-hand things

C) why second-hand items are great bargains D) who benefits from second-hand sales

2. What does the writer say about car boot sales? [1]

A) A wide range of things may be found on sale there. B) They are a fun way to spend a holiday weekend.

C) You probably wouldn’t want the things on sale there. D) They are not popular among the traders.

3. What does the writer say about second-hand shops? [1]

A) They are not ideal place for purchases. B) They always sell things that have been carefully checked.

C) They often sell only one particular type of thing. D) You cannot buy anything unusual there.

4. What does the writer say about charity shops and bazaars? [1]

A) They are good places for poor, homeless people to shop. B) They are good because shopping there helps poor people.

C) They give second-hand items to people in poor countries. D) They sell tasty Christmas food and drinks.

5, 6. Which TWO of the following statements might the writer agree with? [2]

A) Do your second-hand shopping at weekends, Christmas and on Bank Holidays.

B) First decide what you want to buy then find the place that specializes in it.

C) Second-hand shopping takes a bit longer, but it’s worth it.

D) The main purpose of Christmas Bazaars is to raise money. Total [6]

Writing . Task. Choose ONE of the topics to write. 100-120 words

Topic 1. You received a letter from your friend in which he/she says that he/she is having a problem in communication with his/her older sister. Write a reply giving your friend advice on how to make better relations with his/her family member. Use the following plan:

Dear ………………………………,

(Paragraph 1) - write a salutation to your friend (Paragraph 2) - express your sympathy, offer help

(Paragraph 3) - give your advice

Your friend, …………………………………….

Topic 2. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to your country/city and describe how you would spend one day. Use the following plan:

Dear ………………………,

(Paragraph 1) - write a salutation to your friend (Paragraph 2) - offer your friend to come

(Paragraph 3) - describe a day

Your friend, ……………………………… Total [6 ]

Total _ /

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10.01.2022 05:22

Пилові бурі можуть трапитися у великій

Північної Америки, в пустелі Гобі в Монголії, Китай, та пустелі Сахара на півночі Африки. Під час сильної пилової бурі люди взагалі не бачать, що робить подорож неможливою. Пил у такому

можна перевезти тисячі кілометрів. Величезна кількість пилу, що дме по всій Землі, може мати серйозні наслідки для навколишнього середовища. Пил може впливати на здоров'я людини, коралові рифи та

змінити. Пилові бурі транспортують велику кількість матеріалу на великі відстані, наприклад, від Сахари до Гренландії та від Китаю до Європи, що може спричинити проблеми далеко від джерела пилу.

Крім того, він може нести велику кількість пилу, він може стати стіною з густого пилу висотою до 1,6 км. Пилові та піщані бурі, що виходять із пустелі Сахара, місцево відомі як симум або симун (sîmūm, sîmūn). Хабуб (həbūb) - піщана буря, яка здебільшого трапляється в районі Судану навколо Хартума, найчастіше влітку.

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12.11.2022 00:24

Choose the correct answer.

1. What film didn’t scare Tom?

Friday the 13th

2. Who was the main actress in the film Silence of the Lambs?

Keira Knightley

Anthony Hopkins

Jodie Foster

3. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is ……

A) A horror film

B) An adventure film

C) An old western film

Part 2. Find the words from the text that refer to each type of film.

4. a film that makes you feel afraid: Friday the 13th

5. a film with cowboys: Good, the Bad and the Ugly

6. a film with aliens and about space: Star Wars

7. a film about murders, thieves and robbers: The Magnificent Seven

TASK 2 One of the deadliest natural disasters is wildfires. People classify them as natural disasters, but only 10–15% of them happen on their own in nature. The main causes of wildfires are abandoned campfires, cigarette butts left on the land, dried grass burning and lightning.

A wildfire is an uncontrolled fire in an area of vegetation happening in rural areas. Wildfires can destroy everything — grass, trees, buildings, animals and humans in their paths. Wildfires release carbon dioxide — a key greenhouse gas — into the atmosphere. Besides, they are bad for people's health causing breathing problems. Another consequence is that loss of vegetation exposes soil to erosion and water runoff may increase and cause flooding in the affected area.

It takes a lot of effort and money to fight these fires. It takes lots of years for land to recover.

There are a few ways to prevent wildfire incidents. For example, we should follow fire safety rules while camping, avoid using equipment that creates sparks, properly dispose of cigarettes and matches.


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