СайгаСайгак живет в степях Северо-Западного Прикаспиярегион России. Она имеет более длинный нос, чем у других антилоп.Он может быстро бегать, и он может хорошо плавать тоже. Сайгак живет в открытыхпространства. Он путешествует с места на место в больших группах. сайгакест траву и другие растения. Число сайгаковпадает, потому что люди охотятся на них за их рогов. Сегоднясайгака составляет всего 1500 и каждый год это число становитсяменьше.СивучахСивуча живет на севере Тихого океана. Этоэто самый большой морской лев в мире. Взрослые самцы болеетри метра в длину. Они живут в течение двадцати лет. Самкименьше, чем у мужчин, но они живут на десять лет дольше. Стеллерморской лев живет на суше и в море. Она любит холодную воду и ееест все виды рыб. Количество сивучей падаетпотому что рыбаки ловят их случайно.
The head of Scotland is the English monarch – Queen Elizabeth II. It has been in political union with England since the beginning of the 18th century.
The official flag of the country consists of a white cross on a blue background and is known as St. Andrew’s Cross. Scotland is well-known for its Loch Ness monster, delicious haggis and traditional festivals.
Perhaps, everyone in the world has heard of the famous writer and poet Robert Burns. He was the first person to write songs about the Scottish Highlands and their breathtaking views. It is significant that the highest mountain of the British Isles, Ben Nevis, is also situated in Scotland. They say that Scottish towns differ from the English ones. Their distinct features are cobblestone streets, medieval style houses, green parks and plenty of historic architecture.The financial and industrial center of the country is Glasgow. Other major cities include Perth, Aberdeen, Livingstone and Dundee.
The official flag of the country consists of a white cross on a blue background and is known as St. Andrew’s Cross.
Scotland is well-known for its Loch Ness monster, delicious haggis and traditional festivals.
Perhaps, everyone in the world has heard of the famous writer and poet Robert Burns. He was the first person to write songs about the Scottish Highlands and their breathtaking views. It is significant that the highest mountain of the British Isles, Ben Nevis, is also situated in Scotland.
They say that Scottish towns differ from the English ones. Their distinct features are cobblestone streets, medieval style houses, green parks and plenty of historic architecture.The financial and industrial center of the country is Glasgow. Other major cities include Perth, Aberdeen, Livingstone and Dundee.