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17.10.2022 23:01 •  Английский язык

Кто хорошо по английскому очень а) Canberra; b) London; c) Sydney

2 Australia has an area of about…
а) 10 mln. sq. km; b) 5 mln. sq. km; c) 8 mln. sq. km.

3 The greatest river of Australia is…
а) the Murray; b) the Severn; c) the Thames

4 What is the main occupation in Australia?
а) agriculture; b) fishing; c) swimming

5 The population of Australia is about…
а) 10 mln.; b) 15 mln.; c) 5mln.

6 Who is formally the head of the state?

7 Which bird is represented on the coat-of-arms (герб)?
a)the kivi b) the emu c) the duck

8 A typical Australian is ….
a) a fishman b) a farmer c) townsman

New Zealand:
1 What does New Zealand consist of?
2 What can you say about the climate of New Zealand?
3 What is the capital of New Zealand?
4 Which natural resources of New Zealand do you know?
5 Where are parliament and government buildings situated?
6 How did the aborigines call New Zealand?
7 Which island is larger and very beautiful?
8 What is New Zealand famous for?
9 How much is the population of New Zealand?
10 What kind of state is New Zealand?
11 Who represents the Kind or Queen of England?
12 The Parliament of New Zealand consists of ….. .
13 What are the main political parties of New Zealand?

1 What is the capital of Canada?
а) London; b) Montreal; c) Ottawa

2 Canada has an area of nearly … square km.:
а) 10 mln.; b) 20 mln.; c) 15 mln.

3 Its western coast is washed by ….
а) the Pacific Ocean; b) the Indian Ocean; c) the Atlantic Ocean.

4 Who was the first settlers in Canada?
а) Indians; b) Piligrims; c) Eskimos; d) Maori people
5 How many Canadians speak French?

6 What official languages does Canada have?
English and Canadian b) French and English c) Latin and English

7 ….is the home of the French Canadian nation.
а) Ottawa b)Halifax c) Quebec.

8 ….is the second largest French city in the world.
а) Quebec b) Ontario c) Montreal

9 The population of Canada is ….people.
а) 30mln. b) 34mln c) 10mln. d) 24mln.

10 Canada is rich in ….

11 The mountains of Canada are …
The Rocky mountains b) the Cordilliera c) the Blue Montains

7 Why is Canada a country of lakes?

Fill in the gaps with sights of London
London eye Westminster Abbey Trafalgar Square
the Tower of London Buckingham Palace Piccadilly Circus
the British Museum Nelson’s Column Hyde Park National Gallery

1……………………….. is the geographical centre of London. In the middle of the square we can see Nelson’s Column. There are four bronze lions and two fountains near the column.
2…………………………………. was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the Kind's Zoo. Now it's a museum.
3……………………….. is famous for the Speakers Corner in the Parks. On Sunday mornings anyone can speak about anything he or she believes to be important.
4………………………is known as the Millennium Wheel because it was opened in 2000.
5………………………is the church where kings, queens are buried.
6………………………… is the figure of the great admiral in the center of Trafalgar Square.
7…………………….. is one of the largest museums in the world. It consists of the National Library and Museum of History, Archeology, Art and Ethnography.
8…………………………… is the London home and the administrative center of the British royal family. When the Queen is at home the flag is on the top.
9…………………………….is the museum that we can find on the north side of Trafalgar Square.
10……………………… is in the center of London and there are lots of cinemas, theatres and shops there. There are always a lot of people there, too.

1.Russia is the world’s largest country in .
a) world b) area c) population

2.The Russian Federation is situated in and in.
a) Europe, Ural b) Siberia,Asia c) Europe, Asia

3 The head of the government is the .
a) President b) Prime Minister c) State Duma d) Federal Assembly

4 Moscow was founded in .
a) 1157 b) 1147 c) 1712

5 There are different zones in our country.
a) region b) month c) climatic

6 When was the current Russian flag adopted?
a) 1991 b) 1995 c) 2001 d) 1890

7 Decide which of the following sentences is false.
a) Russia borders many countries.
b) Red Square is the heart of Moscow.
c) The area of Russia is not large.
d) Moscow is a political centre where the government of our country works.

8.The head of the state is the .
a) President b) Prime Minister c) State Duma d) Federal Assembly

9 What is the official name of our country?
a) The Russian Union b) The Federation of Russia c)The Russian Federation

10What is the total area of Russia?
a) 16 kilometers b) 17 kilometers c) 18 kilometers

11.What mountain chain separates Europe from Asia?
a) The Caucasian b) The Carpathian c) The Urals

12.What is the biggest river in Russia?
a) The Lena b) The Volga c)The Ob

13.What is the deepest lake in the world?
a) Lake Seliger b) Lake Ladoga c) Lake Baikal

Показать ответ
07.02.2021 21:51

1) When I meet my friends, we usually talk about playing games.

2) I never forget to thank my parents for giving me pocket money.

3) I've been thinking of bying a new phone for a rather long time.

4) I've never dreamt of going to China in my life.

5) My sister often complains of being ignored.

6) Once I tried to stop my friend from eating too much pizza.

7) I don't often complain of studying at my school.

8) Nobody can keep me from listening to my favourite music.

9) I'll never forget how once I had to apologize for breaking a plate in the school canteen.

10) Only hurricane can keep me from leaving home.

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23.09.2021 16:22
Джон был футбольным тренером в английском колледже. Он всегда пытался найти хороших игроков для своей команды. Джон прекрасно тренировал своих игроков.
Они замечательно бегали,прыгали,плавали,занимались греблей и играли в другие игры. Они часто занимали места в соревнованиях и всегда выигрывали. Все игроки Джона были высокими стройными спортсменами и просто хорошими людьми. Команда колледжа была лучшей. Регулярные тренировки,соблюдение диеты и большое количество упражнений очень важны для спортсменов. Они всегда принимают во внимание советы тренера и показывают хорошие результаты во всех конкурсах и матчах. Они почти никогда не проигрывают или заканчивают вничью. Она практически всегда выигрывают. 
И только неприятностью для многих из его футболистов была недостаточная осведомлённость по многим школьным предметам. У спортсменов часто не хватало знаний по математике,английскому и учиться для них было тоже нелегко.
Однажды тренер привёл молодого футболиста к профессору этого колледжа. Профессор должен был спросить несколько вопросов у юного игрока. Профессор выбрал очень лёгкие вопросы,однако мальчик не мог ответить на них. В конце концов профессор спросил:"А сколько же будет пять раз по пять?"
Студент долго думал и наконец ответил:"26". Профессор взглянул на тренера. "Это невозможно!",сказал он." Я не хочу наказывать вашу команду. Я понимаю,что он может очень хорошо играть в футбол,но плохо знать математику. Он не может быть студентом."
Но тренер серьёзно сказал:"О,сэр Позвольте ему стать студентом! Он была неправ лишь дважды!"
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