КТО ЧТО СМОЖЕТ №1. Установите соответствия между текстами(1-5) и утверждениями (a-f), отметьте каждый текст соответствующей буквой. Среди утверждений есть одно лишне.
a) This text is about a scientist who enlightened people of young age.
b) This text is about a scientist who was knowledgeable in many fields.
c) This text is about a scientist whose words proved to be true.
d) This text is about a scientist who worked as a team member.
e) This text is about a scientist whose studies proved another man`s idea.
f) This text is about a man who was not a scientist but invented a new technology.
1. ___ Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was an Italian mathematics teacher and one of the first true scientists. Galileo did not believe old ideas about the way the world worked but made careful experiments to find out for himself. He built a telescope and became the first man to us it for studying the Moon and planets. What he saw made him believe Copernicus`s idea that the Earth was not the centre of the universe.
2. ___ Johannes Gutenberg (about 1398-1468) is often called the father of book printing. In his day, people slowly copied books by hand or printed them from blocks where each letter was made individually. Gutenberg learned to make metal letters called type. He could pick them up and place them in rows to build pages of type. Gutenberg`s movable type helped him to make copies of a book faster and easier than ever before.
3. ___ Edmond Halley (1656-1742) was an English astronomer who is best known for his study of comets. He got interested in comets when he was still a young man. Halley noticed that the way followed by a comet he had seen in 1682 was very much like those reported in 1607 and 1531. He decided that it was the same comet and said that it would return in 1758. And it did!
4. ___ John Bardeen (1908-1991) was an American scientist who is best remembered for his invention of the transistor with William Shockley and Walter Brattain. The three received the Nobel prize in physics for this work. In 1972, Bardeen won a second Nobel prize with John Schrieffer and Leon Cooper for their work on superconductivity.
5. ___ Michael Faraday (1791-1867) was a brilliant English scientist. His studies of chemistry and physics made him world famous. Faraday is best known for his experiments with electricity. He showed that it could be made to flow in a wire when the wire was passed between the poles of a magnet. For many years Faraday gave science lectures for children.
№2. Впишите соответствующие слова из рамки в эти предложения.
1. I use a of eggs and milk to make omelette.
2. Paul`s about education has changed with years.
3. They live in a little far from big cities.
4. The old building had a beautiful .
5. That was the time when jackets came into fashion.
6. Would you like to some money to this charity?
7. They should be taught to their toys with other children.
8. We spent the week on the beach lying in the sun.
№ 3. Выбери и обведи лексически правильные варианты из данных в скобках.
1. How many English words have you (learned\studied) today?
2. Can we make you (respectable\responsible) for buying the presents?
3. The boy was (said\told) to come to school earlier than usual the next day.
4. In my (opinion\opportunity), the best way of travelling is by airplane.
5. Alice always wears (cardboard\rubber) gloves while washing up.
6. Jane`s favourite (glass\silk) blouse is pink in colour.
7. (Cotton\wool) socks are a lot warmer than (cotton\wool) socks.
8. Ours is the (brick\china) house at the end of the road.
№ 4. Впишите производные от слов из правой колонки в предложения.
1. The of waiting so long is killing me. bore
2. What is the between you two? relation
3. The young poets called themselves a . brother
4. Great love for your country is called . patriot
5. I`ve always been a great of this poet. admire
6. Simon is one of the most people I`ve ever met. knowledge
7. Kate and Lucy have done the work . brilliant
8. The of Colin`s words pleased me. wise
№ 5. Впишите соответствующие служебные слова из рамки в эти предложения.
by, down, from, in, of, off, with
1. Marmalade is made citrus fruit: oranges, lemons etc.
2. The greetings card was written Mrs Dashwood`s niece.
3. I have to see my friend now, I can`t put my visit.
4. my opinion, all these people will eventually come to some agreement.
5. If you want, I can share this information the class.
6. My favourite jacket is made fine wool.
7. In ancient times work was done very simple tools.
8. Put this telephone number not to forget it.
«Глобус» часів Шекспіра Редагувати
«Глобус» був власністю багатьох акторів, які (за винятком одного) були також акціонерами Lord Chamberlain's Men. Двоє із шести акціонерів «Глобуса», Річард Бербедж і його брат Кутберт Бербедж, були власниками подвійної кількості часток акцій по 24 % кожний. Інші чотири актори, Вільям Шекспір, Джон Хемінгс, Августин Філіпс і Томас Поуп, мали одинарні частки по 12,5 %. Ці початкові пропорції змінилися згодом, коли приєдналися нові акціонери. Частка Шекспіра протягом його професійної діяльності зменшилася з 1/8 до 1/14. Тут вперше було поставлено багато його творів.
«Глобус» був побудований в 1599 році з використанням дерев'яних конструкцій попереднього театру, (першого загальнодоступного лондонського театру), що називався просто «Театр» і був побудований батьком Річарда Бербеджа, Джеймсом Бербеджем, в Шордичі в 1576 році. Бербеджи спочатку орендували місце, на якому був побудований «Театр», на 21 рік. В 1598 році власник землі, на якій розташовувався «Театр», підвищив орендну плату. Бербеджи демонтували «Театр» й перевезли його до Темзи, де він був зібраний знову, вже як «Глобус».
«Глобус» являв собою круглий (або 18-20-кутний) амфітеатр, в якому могли розміститись до 3000 чоловік. В театрі передбачалися дешеві стоячі та дорожчі сидячі місця, розташовані у три ряди. Сцена мала розміри 12x8 метрів і двоє дверей для виходу акторів. Дах розміщувався лише над сценою і був пофаробований у кольори неба, дах також мав люк, через який актори могли спускатися на сцену за до мотузок. На даху була встановлена статуя Геркулеса, що тримав на своїх плечах земну кулю. Надпис над входом говорив «Totus mundus agit histrionem», тобто «Цілий світ грає якусь роль».
У липні 1613 року театр «Глобус» згорів під час спектаклю «Генріх VIII». Причиною пожежі стала театральна гармата, що дала осічку і запалила дерев'яні балки і дах із соломи
LOREN COLEMAN FIRST STARTED PURSUING unusual, often inexplicable animals in 1960, and has since become one of the world’s foremost experts in the field of cryptozoology. The discipline, as defined by the master himself, “is the study of hidden or unknown animals. These are usually larger zoological species that, to-date, remain unverified by science, such as Yetis, Bigfoot, Lake Monsters, and Sea Serpents, as well as hundreds of other yet-to-be-found animals (cryptids) worldwide…” It also encompasses the study of animals of recent discovery, such as the coelacanth, okapi, megamouth shark, giant panda, and mountain gorilla.”
Throughout the years, Coleman has amassed an unrivaled collection of specimens, replicas, and artifacts relating to famous and lesser-known cryptids, including the eight-and-a-half-foot tall, 300-pound “Crookston Bigfoot,” a life-size coelacanth, a replica of P. T. Barnum’s Feejee Mermaid, and much more. The exhibits also include cryptid hair samples, fecal material, photographs, and footprint casts.
Coleman’s International Cryptozoology Museum preserves and presents the collection to the public in a fun and educational manner while acknowledging that cryptozoology is a “gateway science”. Cryptozoology is capable of sparking the next generation’s interest in more popularly-accepted exploratory and research-oriented disciplines like biology and anthropology.
Besides, as Coleman asserts, it’s not really an issue of whether or not one “believes” in Yetis or the Montauk Monster; for belief “belongs in the providence of religion.” Coleman focuses on exploring the unexplainable with an open mind, gathering evidence before accepting or denying any larger theory.
такой сойдет или нет?