Как читается на языке? i like running because running is healthy, i'm running on weekends, at the stadium, i reshilp do because i like to run. i did not participate is not where i run for myself.
I like running because running is healthy, I'm running on weekends, at the stadium, I reshilp do because I like to run. I did not participate is not where I run for myself.(ай) (лайк) (ˈранин) (биˈкэз) (ˈранин) (эз) (ˈхелси), (айм) (ˈранин) (ан) (ˈуиˌкендз), (эт) (зэ) (ˈстейдиэм), (ай) reshilp (ду) (биˈкэз) (ай) (лайк) (тэ) (ран). (ай) (дид) (нат) (парˈтисэˌпейт) (эз) (нат) (уэр) (ай) (ран) (фэр) (ˌмайˈселф).