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John to work every day. a) go, b) don`t go, c) doesn`t go, d) is go 3. We dinner now. a) are having, b) have, c)don`t have, d) having 4. They the match yesterday. a) have won, b)won, c)win, d) wined. 5. He breakfast yesterday. a) hadn`t, b)no had, c)didn`t have, d) haven`t 6. When ? a) did you born, b)was you born, c)you were born, d) were you born. 7. a) Where playing Manchester United? b) Where is playing Manchester United? c) Where is Manchester United playing? d)Where Manchester United playing? 8. a)What`s like the weather? b)How is the weather? c)How the weather like is? d)What`s the weather like? 9. a) Mary usually drives carefully. b) Mary carefully drives usually. c) Mary usually carefully drives. d) Mary drives usually carefully. 10. a) Always he wakes up at 9. b) He always wake up at 9. c)He always wakes up at 9. d)At 9 he wakes up usually. 11. It`s of October today. a) twenty one, b)twenty first, c) the twenty oneth, d)the twenty first .12. I don`t have. a)no money, b)money, c)any money d)some money. 13. The room was empty. There there. a)wasn`t nobody, b)was anybody, c)was nobody, d)was somebody. 14. orange juice in the fridge. a)there isn`t no, b) there is any, c)there isn`t any, d) there aren`t no. 15. John`s a boss. You need to speak to ___. a) it, b) him , c) her, d)his. 16. These are books. a) their, b) them, c) there, d) this. 17._ __ go to school on the 1 -st of September a) chllds, b)childrens, c) people, d) children 18. I don`t work Mondays. a) on, b) to , c) for, d) at. 19. a) how many room are there in the flat? b)how many rooms there are in the flat? c) how many rooms are there in the flat? d) how many rooms is there in the flat? 20. are in his pocket. a) Johns` keys, b) John`s a key, c) John`s key, d) John`s keys. 21. She doesn`t like on Sundays. a) study, b)studies, c) studing, d)studying. 22. Are there any biscuits?- No, . a)there aren`t some, b)there aren`t any. c)there isn`t, d)there are any. 23. Your clothes are wet. Dry . a) it, b) us, c) it`s, d) them. 24. The children in the bedroom. a)sleeps, b) are sleeping, c) slept d) sleeping. 25. Where you going to go? a) do, b) is, c)are, d)did. 26. girls live in France. a) these, b) that, c) a, d)this. 27. The sun is the clouds. a)between, b)on, c)in, d)at. 28. He was born the 5- th of March. a)at, b) on, c)in, d) -. 29. There aren`t parks in this city. a)some, b)a, c)any, d)the. 30. I`m fair, my sister is dark. a) because, b) but, c) that, d) so. 31. He decided to save some money and put in the bank. a) it, b) their, c) them, d) theirs. 32. Mark fly to London tomorrow. a)to going, b) goes to, c) is going to, d) are going. 33. We don`t have mineral water. a)much, b) many, c)lot, d) any 34. We go to work bus. a) on, b) at, c) by, d) in, 35.What did you do last weekend. a) --, b) on, c) at, d)in, 36. The boy and the girl at school. a)is, b) on, c) are, d) did 37.My children __ go to Spain in the summer. a)will, b)are going, c)doesn`t, d)are. 38. Whose are these shoes? a) they`are her, b) It`s hers, c) they`re hers, d) they`re my. 39. How much cost? a) is it, b) does it, c) it does, d) is. 40.The school is the shop and the tree a)on, b) under, c) between, d) in.

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15.09.2020 15:53


Школа – это не только место, где мы получаем новые знания, но и место, где находим новых друзей. Каждый человек помнит свой первый день в школе. Этот день – первое сентября. Волнующий, праздничный, красивый денек. Именно с того дня я понял слово «школа», как интересное захватывающее путешествие в мир знаний. С тех пор каждый день в школе для меня неповторим. Много близких и дорогих для себя друзей я нашел в этом месте. На каждой перемене общаешься, на каждом уроке узнаешь все больше нового и интересного. Неповторимость моей школы заключается в том, что только у нас работают такие замечательные, добрые и чуткие учителя, которые найти подход к каждому ученику. На каждом уроке они вкладывают большую часть своей души в нас. Без знаний человек не сможет прожить сегодня ни в одной стране мира. В любой точке Земли ценится человек образованный. Поэтому наши учителя каждому ребенку усвоить новый материал не только для хороших оценок, но и для качественных знаний.

School is not only a place where we get new knowledge, but also a place where we find new friends. Everyone remembers their first day at school. This day is the first of September. An exciting, festive, beautiful day. It was from that day that I understood the word "school" as an interesting and exciting journey into the world of knowledge. Since then, every day at school is unique for me. I found many close and dear friends in this place. At each break you communicate, at each lesson you learn more and more new and interesting things. The uniqueness of my school lies in the fact that only we have such wonderful, kind and sensitive teachers who are able to find an approach to each student. In every lesson, they put most of their soul into us. Without knowledge, a person will not be able to live in any country in the world today. An educated person is valued anywhere in the world. Therefore, our teachers help each child to learn new material not only for good grades, but also for high-quality knowledge

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17.11.2022 07:37

1. Does Ann get up early or later?

2. What helps to get up early?

3. What types of books do you like love story or detective?

4. It’s an exciting book, isn’t it?

5. Where were the three Musketeers from?

6. Special questions

7. Alternative question

8. Subject question

9. General question

10. Tag question

11. Have you seen Home Alone?

12.  What types of questions do you know

13. Is she reading a science fiction or an detective?

14. Who was watching TV at 7 p.m last night?

15. It’s an amusing book isn’t it?  

16. Does your friend read a lot of books?

17. Have you ever seen this film?

18. What do you prefer?

19. Who was absent from previous lesson?

20. They will return in a month won’t they?  

21. Does your brother like skating or skiing?

22. Has Tom been to the USA lately?

23. Did you go out last night?

24. Who are drinking tea now?

25. Where are you going now?

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