Изучи тему «Экономика Великобритании» - «Economy of Great Britain» и задай по одному во на англ.яз к каждому абзацу:
About 25% of Britain's land is arable (пахотный, обрабатываемый, культивируемый), and almost half is suitable for meadows (луга, пойменная земля) and pastures (пастбища). Its agriculture is highly mechanized and extremely productive; about 2% of the labor force produces 60% percent of the country's food needs. Barley, wheat, rapeseed, potatoes, sugar beets, fruits, and vegetables are the main crops. The widespread dairy industry produces milk, eggs, and cheese. Beef cattle and large numbers of sheep, as well as poultry and pigs, are raised throughout much of the country. There is also a sizable fishing industry, with cod (треска), haddock (пикша), mackerel (макрель, скумбрия), whiting (мерланг (рыба)), trout (форель), salmon (лосось, сёмга), and shellfish (моллюски, ракообразные) making up the bulk of the catch.
Great Britain is one of the world's leading industrialized nations. It has achieved this position despite the lack of most raw materials needed for industry. It must also import 40% of its food suplies. Thus, its prosperity has been dependent upon the export of manufactured goods in exchange for raw materials and foodstuffs. Within the manufacturing sector, the largest industries include machine tools; electric power, automation, and railroad equipment; ships; aircraft; motor vehicles and parts; electronic and communications equipment; metals; chemicals; coal; petroleum; paper and printing; food processing; textiles; and clothing.
During the 1970s and 80s, nearly 3.5 million manufacturing jobs were lost, but in the 1990s over 3.5 million jobs were created in service-related industries. By the early 21st cent., banking, insurance, business services, and other service industries accounted for almost three fourths of the gross domestic product and employed 80% of the workforce. This trend was also reflected in a shift in Great Britain's economic base, which has benefited the southeast, southwest, and Midlands regions of the country, while the north of England and Northern Ireland have been hard hit by the changing economy.
The main industrial and commercial areas are the great conurbations, where about one third of the country's population lives. The administrative and financial center and most important port is Greater London (Большой Лондон (особая административно-территориальная единица, состоит из Лондона и его пригородов)), which also has various manufacturing industries. London is Europe's foremost financial city.
Great Britain has abundant supplies of coal, oil, and natural gas. Production of oil from offshore wells in the North Sea began in 1975, and the country is self-sufficient (самостоятельный, автономный, независимый) in petroleum. Other mineral resources include iron ore, tin, limestone, salt, china clay, oil shale (нефтеносный/битуминозный/горючий сланец), gypsum, and lead.
The country's chief exports are manufactured goods, fuels, chemicals, food and beverages, and tobacco. The chief imports are manufactured goods (промышленные товары, товары промышленного производства), machinery, fuels, and foodstuffs. Since the early 1970s, Great Britain's trade focus has shifted from the United States to the European Union, which now accounts for over 50% of its trade. The United States, Germany, France, and the Netherlands are the main trading partners, and the Commonwealth countries are also important.
17. You can get to Heathrow Airport by underground. B) -
18. I promise I A) will get in touch with you if I need your help.
19. I think your glasses are in kitchen. B) the
20. I normally try to spent C) less money than you. You are sparing huge waste.
21. D) I don't remember quite where but I have seen him recently somewhere.
22. I C) totally agree with you.
23. This is B) Tom and Carol's home
24. I am looking for B) --
25. Our house is the end of the road. B) at
26. Complete the sentence.
Let's go out. It now. D) isn't raining
27 wanted to go skiing over the winter break. A) We
28. We expected him D) to be lute
29. I when my friend called. C) was sleeping
30. I saw him down the street. B) walking
Лето - чудесная, звонкоголосая пора. Летний день начинается рано. Пробуждается заря в золотой парче, в голубой выси тают прозрачные тучки. Легкий туман покидает поля и леса. Легко дышит лес, в воздухе пахнет гречей и медом. Вот защелкал соловей, радуясь новому, блистательному летнему дню. На его чудесное пение откликнулись другие лесные пташки. Беспечно болтают малиновки, корольки, певчие дрозды.
Внимая звукам дивных певцов, приободрился летний лес. Меж берез игриво порхают бабочки. Ветер ласково подгоняет их. Отражаются в зеркале вод деревья и травы, кусты и цветы. Летние цветы, как правило, напоены особым ароматом. Летом жизнь льется волшебной волной. За душистой травой трещит кузнечик. Шумный перепел бьет за прудом, купаясь в золотой ржи. В голубой выси летает, кружится смелый ястреб. Он поет свободе вечную песню. По извилистой долине, тихо журча, струится речка. Играет задорно и плещет в реке рой рыбок. В глуши болот пронизывающе и звонко поет неугомонная мошкара. Час от часу прибывает зной, Чуткий камыш наклонился к реке. Давно стряхнули влагу ветви деревьев. От жары их только тень. А солнце продолжает лить на землю свои золотые потоки, Летом нужно обязательно самому побывать на природе, чтобы будничные невзгоды и мирские заботы перестали волновать, чтобы понять всю прелесть яркой, летней гармонии, увидеть прелесть роскошных цветов, трав, послушать пение птиц. Задание 2. Сформулируйте по прочитанному тексту 2 вопроса высокого порядка.