Измените слова в скобках так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Cardiff Sixth Form College has been topping the Independent Schools League Tables since 2010 and this year's 1) (RATE) continues this fine tradition of academic excellence. But it is the 2) (INDIVIDUALITY) success stories behind the figures that matters the most. Our students will be joining a wide range of courses at some of the most prestigious Universities in the UK and overseas, including Oxbridge, LSE, Imperial, Warwick, HKU. This is a culmination of months of hard work and a first important step towards a new exciting and challenging 3) (INTELLECT) journey. Mrs Yasmin Sarwar, co-founder and 4) (DIRECT) of the college, said: "I am delighted at the continued remarkable 5) (SUCCESS) times of the college, and, congratulate the students and the staff on their hard work, dedication and fantastic results."
Mrs Sarwar and the college are 6) (EXTREME) proud of the achievements of its students who are stimulated by the spirit of friendly competition with one another while sharing the same goal; to achieve the very best of which they are capable.
Advertising is another invention of the 20th century. Some people find it annoying and useless, however, it certainly has its point.
Advertising can be found everywhere nowadays: in newspapers, in magazines and brochures, on posters, on radio and TV, in Internet, simply everywhere. The main purpose of advertising is to sell the goods. From the other side, it’s a really effective way to let the people know about certain products.
Реклама - еще одно изобретение 20 века. Некоторых это раздражает и бесполезно, однако в этом есть смысл.
Рекламу сейчас можно найти везде: в газетах, журналах и брошюрах, на плакатах, на радио и телевидении, в Интернете, просто везде. Основная цель рекламы - продать товар. С другой стороны, это действительно эффективный рассказать людям об определенных продуктах. Ето на руском перевод)
Реклама - ще один винахід 20 століття. Деякі люди вважають це надокучливим і марним, проте, безумовно, це має свій сенс.
Сьогодні рекламу можна знайти скрізь: у газетах, журналах та брошурах, на плакатах, на радіо та телебаченні, в Інтернеті, просто скрізь. Основна мета реклами - продаж товару. З іншого боку, це дійсно ефективний б повідомити людей про певні продукти. а ето на українском.
Задание 1. 1. His work was more careless than mine.
His work was the most careless in the class.
2. Basketball is more popular than tennis.
Basketball is the most popular (sport) in the USA.
3. This watch is more expensive than that one.
This watch is the most expensive in the shop
4. Tuesday is more convenient for me than Friday.
Tuesday is the most convenient for me of all week- days.
Задание 2.
1. I‘m going on a trip to New York.
2. Please make an appointment when you come.
3. My brother isn’t going with me.
4. Were you interviewed by Mr. Cooper?
5. Did you put your signature on this application form?
6. I have changed my appointment on Monday to Tuesday.
7. I can come any day besidesThursday.
Задание 3.
1. The performance must be over and there are many people leaving the theatre.
2. I don’t believe that he said it. He can’t say such things.
3. It is impossible that they should have refused to help you. They can’t break their promise.
4. Can you really mean this?
5. I’m sure my students must be at a lecture now; they never miss classes.
6. The message must be delivered in time as we received an immediate answer.
7. There is no doubt that was all prepared beforehand. He may watch you.