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24.09.2022 10:26 •  Английский язык

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс

I. Read the texts and match the paragraphs (1-5) with the titles (A-F). There is one title you don’t have to use.

A. The text is about a person whose relative is a sportsman.

B. The text is about a person who is not an athlete.

C. The text is about a person who tries to find information about sports in different books.

D. The text is about a person who gets information about sports from TV programmes.

E. The text is about a person who is not a very good skier.

F. The text is about a person who likes ball games.

1. I'm a writer. I write books about history. I've come to Britain to visit some famous historic places and I will certainly visit the famous football match which is going to take place here. I can't miss it. You know I'm a football fan and enjoy watching football though I don't go in for sport myself.

2. I'm not a great athlete, but I do some sports. I often play volleyball or basketball, sometimes football too. In winter I practically never go in for sports outdoors. I can't stand cold. So no cross country skiing or ice hockey for me. I prefer games played in a gym.

3. I like cross country skiing very much. This sport has lately become very popular. I think it is not so difficult as downhill skiing. But to tell you the truth, I'm not very good at my favourite sport. I usually ski rather slowly, I often watch birds and admire trees in the snow.

4. I really like sports. I think going in for any sport is very important for people. The more active people are, the healthier they become. Take my cousin Steve, who is a footballer, for example. He does several summer sports, in winter he plays hockey. And he is in very good form.

5. I like sports and I try to read about them to get more information. I'm very much interested in the history of skiing. Some books say that probably people in Sweden invented it. But those who lived in Norway first used skis for sport in 1843. And the first downhill race was in Switzerland in 1911.

II. Use PAST SIMPLE or PAST PERFECT to complete the sentence.

1.When I (get)to the party, it (already start)raining.
2. Yesterday we (start) our training only after Harry (return) .
3. Jason (open)the window. A white sheet of snow (cover)the ground.
4. Jenifer (complete)the training by 7 o’clock.
5. I just (finish) writing my essay, when Laura (phone) .

III. Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.

1) This scenery on the stage was really (fantasy/fantastic).
2) What did you (wonder/reply) to Mr. Harrison’s offer?
3) I don’t see any (connection/collection) between two events though Peter says that they look very much (alike/like).
4) (At/In) the end of the road there was a lonely pine tree.
5) My parents and I love to (refuse/receive) friends in our house.
6) What’s the price of train tickets (for/to) St Peterburg.
7) They will have to (consider/complain) his recommendations.
8) There was a drop of (blood/god) on the knife.
9) Our seats were (on/in) the gallery.
10) The clowns on the (stage/scenery) were so funny. It was (impossible/possible) not to laugh.

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23.04.2021 16:53

Some people say that damage to the environment is the biggest problem facing the world. However, other people say that there are other problems that are more important.

Some people think that environmental problems are the most dangerous whereas others don’t agree.

I think that nowadays environmental catastrophe is the biggest threat. First of all, global worming can bring us a lot of troubles. If the ice melts, a lot of countries will be flooded. Second, Ozone holes can cause the death of a lot of lands. Also bad food, air and water can be the reason of various diseases.

At the same time there are people who say that overpopulation, lack of food and nuclear war can be even more dangerous.

In my opinion these people have a point. These threats can kill our planet too. Nevertheless, they are easier to control than environmental problems. Nuclear moratorium, new technologies allow us to solve these problems.

In conclusion I'd like to say that if we weigh all the facts that say that danger to the environment is the biggest problem against the ones that support other threats, we'll see that the facts that support the statement outweigh those against.

вот это все - формат ЕГЭ, не знаю, подойдет ли(

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29.04.2023 03:05

1. The sun has not risen yet, but the sky in the east is getting lighter every minute.

2. I saw you walking along the street the other day with a heavy bag.

3. I have not read the newspaper today.

4. It is very late, and trams have stopped running: we must find a taxi to get home.

5. How many times have you been to St. Petersburg?

6. At last I have trans­lated this article: now I shall have a little rest.

7. We went to the country yesterday, but the rain spoilt all the pleasure.

8. My watch was going in the morning, but now it has stopped.

9. The lecture has not begun yet and the students are talk­ing in the classroom.

10. She has just gone out.

11. She left the room a moment ago.

12. We have not solved the problem yet.

13. When did it all happen?

14. The morning was cold and rainy, but since ten o'clock the weather has changed and now the sun is shining brightly.

15. Show me the dress which you have made.

16. Oh, how dark it is! A large black cloud has covered the sky. I think it will start raining in a few minutes.

17. Oh, close the window! Look, all my papers have fallen on the floor because of the wind.

18. When did you open the window? — I opened it ten minutes ago

Удачи в учёбе!)

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