It was a really windy day but my dad said because it was Sunday, we should go for a walk. He wanted to go to the
beach, but we went to the park because my mum said it
might be less windy there. My sister and I were walking a
little bit ahead of our parents when, 'luckily / çuddenly,
we heard a really loud noise. A huge branch from a tree
had crashed to the ground behind us.
I ’immediately / eventually turned around. I couldn't see
my parents and, obviously / fortunately, I thought the
branch had fallen on them. I panicked a bit at first but
then I realised that, “luckily / suddenly, they had stopped
to look at the ducks and the branch had missed them.
Just then, we saw a man climbing out from under the
leaves. Eventually / Amazingly, he wasn't hurt because,
Cobviously / fortunately for him, only the lighter parts
of the branch had fallen on him.
Eventually / Amazingly, the firefighters
came and cut the branch into smaller pieces
and moved it out of the way. That man was
so lucky that he wasn't badly injured by
that branch.
Объяснение:Составим такой план:
1). Описание белой радуги.
2). Берендей идет по лугу с красивыми цветами, чтобы накосить травы.
3). Мысли автора о дрессировке собак, натаскивании Нерли на бекасов.
4). Берендей показал, где спряталась бекасиха.
5). Описание места обитания и семейки бекасов.
6). Мысли автора о взаимосвязи всех явлений в природе и о том, что каждый является творцом на своем месте.
7). Получив свободу без поводка, Нерль вспомнила свои природные инстинкты и спугнула бекасенка.
8). Нерль нашла гаршнепа и встала в стойку.
9). Радость автора и Берендея, что Нерль выполнила задание.
ответ: 1. He asked if they were at home then.
2. He asked why Lola had denied a charge.
3. He asked what flowers grew in Mike's garden.
4. He asked if James had played chess with his friend the day before.
5. He asked if he had been waiting for me all day.
6. He asked if Mary was speaking on the Phone then.
7. He asked who had gone to Paris last summer.
8. He asked where they were walking then.
9. He asked if he usually woke up at 6 o'clock.
10. He asked when we would visit our grandmother.
Объяснение: 'he asked' всегда можно заменить на 'she/we/they/любое имя asked' . На ваше усмотрение.