It is know that this device works well.
machine parts are usually oiled lest they should rust.
when the workplaces reach the loading position they are removed and a new blank is loaded.
the most common machine-tool found in almost any workshop is the lathe, in which the job spins round its axis while a cutting tool is working on.
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Джошуа Рейнольдс
J.R.was a great English painter.He was
born in Devonshire in the south of England in 1723.His father
was a school teacher.Joshua learned to paint in London and in Italy.People
liked the portraits which Reynolds painted.He worked much in Italy and
visited many cities where he painted.
He became famous portrait painter.
In 1768 Reynolds became the first
president of the Royal Academy of Arts.He made a whole gallery of portraits of the most famous people.
In 1792 the great English painter died.
We asked Ned some questions.
Q: ‘People (5) haven't heard your name. Why is that?
A: 'I love writing songs, but I (6) have never wanted to be famous. That's the superstar's job '
Q :(7) Have you won any gold discs?
A: ' Yes, I have. I've got twenty - but I (8) haven't put them on my office wall'.
Q: 'How long (9) have you been married ?'
A: 'Suzi and I (10) have lived together since the day we met in a reporting studio twenty years ago . We got married two weeks after we met -and we(11) haven't argued in twenty years.'