Insert prepositions where necessary. 1. School physical education programs provide a context regular and structured physical activity and serve as a means the government intervene. 2. Physical education can increase student participation moderate vigorous physical activity and skills they need engage lifelong physical activity. 3. achieve the maximum benefits exercise individual must begin exercise early life and continue exercise throughout the lifespan. 4. The National Association Sport and Physical Education recommend that children be engaged at least 60 minutes age-appropriate physical activity all or most days the week. 5. The lack quality and regular physical education programs the schools contribute the poor level fitness children and youth. 6. Many studies have demonstrated the positive effects physical education and physical activity school performance. 7. Several studies have stated that providing increased time physical activity can lead better concentration, reduced disruptive behaviors. 8. 20 percent all elementary schools the U.S. have abolished recess favor increased classroom time under pressure improve student achievement. 9. Even when physical education programs are place, most students are not engaged vigorous physical activity the majority their class time. 10. It is estimated that boys only spend 18 minutes engaged moderate and vigorous activity and girls spend 16 minutes.
мертвый-лес был сухой и черный,он словно мертвый,в нем не было ни единого зеленого деревца
the forest was dry and black, he seemed dead, it was not a single green tree.
скучать- мне никода не приходится подолгу скучать,потому что всегда найдется интересное занятие
I've never had a long time to get bored, because there is always an interesting exercise
конверт- мне прислали письмо в очень красивом конверте
I received a letter in a very nice envelope
бразильский- мне очень нравится бразильский кофе
I really like the Brazilian coffee