Iii variant insert article where necessary. berablte aprhki fae neo6xoammo. 1. this is going to be fog and_cold weather all next week a) an 2. please, give a cup of coffee with a) a 3. could you close a) the 4. mike is looking for job. a) an 5. this morning i had apple and some toasts for breakfast. a) a b) a c) the d) this e) cream. c)- window, please. b) the d) an e) this b) a d) c) an e) those b) the c) these d) a e) - b) the e) an d)- e) any insert the proper pronouns. berabste hykhoc mectohmehhe 6. today a) itself 7. i know his name but i don't know a) him 8. i love a) his 9. the house lost is very cold outside. c) that b) it d) its e) they b) her very much! c) me d) she e) your c) him b) mine roof in the storm. b) his d) she e) he a) its 10. help a) your change the underlined words by pronouns. 3amehhte noavepknytme cnoba mectohmchrm 11. my friend and i decided to go for a walk after dinner. a) our 12. the weather was cold and we decided to stay at home. a) he 13. don't cross the street under the red light a) it 14. look at my nice kitten. a) him onpenenre thm bompoca. 15. whose books are on the table? c) it to sandwiches, please. b) you d) their e) theirs d) yourselves c) me e) yours b) we c) they d) you e) them b) she d) it c) they e) we b) them c) him d) her e) i d) them b) it c) her e) me d) alternative e) interrogative b) general c) special a) tag 16. will you come to my birthday party? a) general b) special c) alternative d) tag e) interrogative 17. did he read a book or a newspaper? a) general b) alternative c) interrogative d) special e) tag 18. we shall not go to the theatre, shall we? a) alternative b) interrogative c) general d) special e) tag 19. when will you come back? a) special onpenenre bpemehhyio popmy rnarona 20. his mother wakes him up at seven o'clock. a) present indefinite tense c) present continuous tense e) future indefinite tense 21. they came to see us last night. a) present indefinite tense c) present continuous tense e) future indefinite tense 22. jane will be at home next week. a) present indefinite tense c) present gontinyous tense e) future nutauis tense 23. she will not go to school tomorrow. a) present indefinite tense c) present continuous tense e) future indefinite tense 24. they are having tea in the dinner-room now. a) present indefinite tense c) present continuous tense e) future indefinite tense answer the following questions. otbetitc ha bompocbl. 25. when can young people get higher education? a) after finishing college d) never 26. when do the students receive a bachelor's degree? a) in four years of study b) general c) tag d) alternative e) interrogative b) past indefinite tense d) past continuous tense b) past indefinite tense d) past continuous tense b) past indefinite tense d) past continuous tense b) past indefinite tense d) past continuous tense b) past indefinite tense d) past continuous tense c) after kindergarten b) after finishing secondary school e) after finishing institute c) in five years of study b) in three years of study
Автор Государственного флага Республики Казахстан – заслуженный деятель искусств Казахстана Шакен Ниязбеков.
Государственный герб Республики Казахстан
Государственный герб Республики Казахстан имеет форму круга и представляет собой изображение шанырака на голубом фоне, от которого во все стороны в виде солнечных лучей расходятся уыки. Справа и слева от шанырака расположены изображения мифических крылатых коней. В верхней части расположена объемная пятиконечная звезда, а в нижней части надпись «Қазақстан». Изображение звезды, шанырака, уыков, мифических коней, а также надписи «Қазақстан» – цвета золота.
Авторами Государственного герба Республики Казахстан являются известные архитекторы Жандарбек Малибеков и Шот-Аман Валиханов.
Государственный гимн Республики Казахстан
Гимн Казахстана, ранее известный как песня «Менің Қазақстаным», по инициативе Президента Нурсултана Назарбаева был утвержден Парламентом страны 6 января 2006 года. Впервые он прозвучал 11 января 2006 года во время торжественной инаугурации Главы государства.
Музыка – композитора Шамши Калдаякова, слова – Жумекена Нажимеденова и Нурсултана Назарбаева.
Methodological recommendations for Summative Assessment are designed to assist teachers in planning, organizing and carrying out Summative Assessment in “English” for the Grade 7 learners. Methodological recommendations are aligned with the Subject Programme and Course plan. Summative Assessment in Grade 7 is conducted in Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Summative Assessment Tasks for unit/cross curricular unit will allow teachers to determine the level of the learning objectives achievement planned for the term. Methodological recommendations comprise tasks, assessment criteria with descriptors and marks for conducting Summative Assessment across the unit/cross curricular unit. Also this document includes possible levels of the learners’ academic achievement (rubrics). Tasks with descriptors and marks can be considered as recommendations.