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1. Choose the right answer: This is match.

А) A

В) An

С) Are

Д) -

Е) Some

2. Complete the sentence: course of study at Institute of physical culture lasts four years:

А) A/ the

В) The / a

С) - / the

Д) The / -

Е) The / the

3. Choose the Infinitive: Ann wanted have lunch with her.

А) In

В) On

С) To

Д) For

Е) At

4. Choose the correct answer: This house was built

А) For 700 years

В) to 700 years

С) 700 years ago

Д) Since 700 years

Е) 700 year

5. Use Past Simple: He may be in his office. I him arrive about ten minutes ago.

А) See

В) Saw

С) Seen

Д) Have

Е) Has

6. Find the comparative: The days in autumn are than in summer.

А) short

В) shorter

С) long

Д) longer

Е) the longest

7. Find the future passive variant: The theater be built here next year.

А) Are

В) Is

С) Were

Д) Will

Е) Was

8. Find the Present Perfect: you reserved your hotel room?

А) Did

Б) Have

С) Do

Д) Has

Е) Are

9. Complete the sentences: I’m hungry. I to have something to eat.

А) not going

В) is going

С) are not going

Д) am going

Е) was going

10. Complete the Future Simple: There more kinds of food in future

А) are

В) is

С) be

Д) have

Е) will be

11. Find right variant: Я собираюсь быть там в 8 часов.

А) I be there at 8 o’clock.

В) I am going to be there at 8 o’clock.

С) I went there at 8 o’clock.

Д) I am be there at 8 o’clock

Е) I have been there at 8 o’clock.

12. Choose the Past Simple: I heard the clock ten a long time ago.

А) To strike

В) Striking

С) Was struck

Д) Struck

Е) Strike

13. Write in words: 31493

А) Thirty one thousand four hundred and ninety three

В) Thirty first thousand four hundred and ninety three

С) Thirty one thousands four hundred and ninety three

Д) Thirty one thousand fourth hundred and ninety three

Е) Thirty first thousand four hundreds and ninety three

14. “2.380”

А) Two thousand three hundreds eighty

В) Two thousands three hundred eighty

С) Two thousand three hundred eighteen

Д) Two thousands three hundreds and eighty

Е) Two thousand three hundred and eighty

15. Choose the Past Simple: I haven't got a ticket. If one, I could get in.

А) I having

В) I have

С) I'd have

Д) I've got

Е) I had

16. Choose the right answer: is that man with red hair? I have never seen .

А) who / him

В) which / her

С) what / his

Д) whom /hers

Е) who / that

17. Choose the correct answer: There two books on the table.

А) Are

В) Is

С) Do

Д) Does

Е) Have

18. Choose the best alternative: New York a big city.

А) Aren't

В) Is

С) Are

Д) Am

Е) Am not

19. Choose the Past Passive: The stamps by Tom last summer.

А) Are collected

В) Was collected

С) Were collected

Д) Is collected

Е) Collected

20. Complete the sentence: He knows English words.

А) Much

В) Any

С) So

Д) A few

Е) A little

21. Complete the sentence: Lion is the animal.

А) Stranger

В) As strong as

С) Not strong

Д) Most strongest

Е) Strongest

22. Who is a nephew? He is .

А) A sister's or brother's son

В) Parent's children

С) An uncle

Д) A daughter

Е) A neighbor’s daughter

23. Choose the right variant: The greatest rivers of great Britain are

А) Audson and Missouri

В) The Thames and Severn

С) The Gulf of Mexico

Д) The Colorado, the Columbia

Е) The Mississippi, the Potomac

24. Choose the right variant: May I that cassette?

А) take

В) taking

С) watching

Д) to watched

Е) to watch

25. Find the right variant: Nick wants the money. Please give to him.

А) These

В) They

С) Those

Д) Them

Е) It

26. Choose the right article: This is large room.

А) A

В) -

С) At

Д) In

Е) That

27. Find the right variant: I have lot of English books.

А) -

В) The

С) A

Д) An

Е) In

28. Use Past Continuous: What You about when I came in?

А) Were/talking

В) Were/talk

С) Was/talking

Д) Was/talk

Е) Were/talked

29. Complete the Past Passive: The exercises by him yesterday.

А) Is done

В) Were done

С) Done

Д) Do

Е) Are done

30. Complete the sentence: I strawberries more than any other fruit.

А) Has

В) Does

С) Am

Д) Like

Е) Did

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07.12.2020 09:01
Мой любимый ТВ программа является одним из Дмитрия Крылова. Это еженедельная программа. Это транслируется в воскресенье. Эта программа очень популярна в нашей стране. Они показывают много исторических мест, рассказывают интересные факты о разных странах и городах, широковещательных интервью с известными людьми. Мне нравится эта программа, и постарайтесь не пропустить его. Я предпочитаю смотреть молодежные программы, такие как "Пока все это дома" в воскресенье и "Утренняя звезда". Кроме того, я хотел бы видеть интересные фильмы. Они могли бы быть особенность, приключения, научную, ужас, мультфильмов и другие фильмы. Мне очень нравится видеть cartoons.Now Уолта Диснея, а затем я хотел бы видеть познавательные программы: "Что? Где? Когда? "," Брейн-ринг "Они приятные и развлекательные программы.

My favourite TV programme is one made by Dmitriy Krylov. It is a weekly programme. It is broadcast on Sunday. This programme is very popular in our country. They show many historical places, tell interesting facts about different countries and cities, broadcast interviews with famous people. I like this programme and try not to miss it.I prefer to watch youth programmes such as “While Everybody’s at Home” on Sunday and “The Morning Star”. In addition I like to see interesting films. They might be feature, adventure, scientific, horror, cartoon and other films. I enjoy seeing Walt Disney’s cartoons.Now and then I like to see cognitive programmes: “What? Where? When?”, “Brain-ring”   They are enjoyable and entertaining programmes.
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04.04.2022 17:20
1. My sister and I always _ fall out__over clothes.
2. I don’t _agree with__ my best friend when she says that the poetry is boring.
3. We’ve always _stuck__together since that day.
4. It’s always hard to _fit in_ when you are new in a group.
5. I don’t like this girl. She often _shows off_ .
6. My friend has never __let__ me _down_ .
7. Our History teacher had to __split__us __up_because we were giggling in the classroom.
8. We didn’t _click_ straight _away__ .
9. We can’t go to sleep until we _  make up_ .
10. Tom was homesick at first, but he _cheered up__ after he met John.
11. I decided to wait for Dima but instead I _bumped into_ David.
12. Do you always _ get along with_all your classmates?
13. __Sign up___for different activities and take part in all the cool games.
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