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II. Choose a, b or c. (Написати лише букву)
1. The local community is organising tree-planting and other projects this year.
a. generation b. conservation c. protection
2. The government is trying to find a plan to preserve the world’s forests.
a. tropical b. global c. unique
3. All animals live better in their natural .
a. habitat b. predator c. hazard
4. Could you this document, please?
a. ruin b. sign c. plan
5. Deer can be the of tigers or lions.
a. reptile b. mammal c. prey
6. A lot of our country’s live below the poverty line.
a. creatures b. insects c. residents
7. Put the in the pot and water them. They’ll soon grow.
a. seeds b. yard c. stones
8. Although she’s in her mid 70s, she’s full of .
a. community b. energy c. agency
9. The ancient ruins many visitors every year.
a. cover b. attract c. damage
10. More than 10 people were killed in the caused by the heavy storm last night.
a. flood b. pond c. climate
III. Choose the word or phrase that produces a grammatically correct sentence. (Написати лише літеру)
1. By this time next year I English for nineteen years.
a. will teach b. am going to teach c. will have been teaching d. am teaching
2. Don’t worry! I everything in no time!
a. fix b. ’ll fix c. going to fix d. ’ll be fixing
3. When your mum , young man, I’ll tell her everything.
a. will call b. is going to call c. calls d. is calling
4. Henry a shower as soon as he finishes cleaning his room.
a. will have had b. will have c. will be having d. has
5. you with your husband to Sydney next Monday?
a. Will...be travelling b. Do...travel c. Will...have travelled d. Will.have been travelling
6. Jeffersons always have a pool party in July.
a. - b. The c. A d. An
7. Paul needs to buy umbrella because he lost his old one.
a. - b. the c. a d. an
8. Kevin is learning Spanish because he wants to visit Mexico.
a. - b. the c. some d.any
9. Tonight Laura TV as always.
a. will have watched b. will be watching c. watches d. she will watch
10. Liz to Finland next year.
a. is going to move b. will have been moving c. moves d. going to move

IV. Expand the notes into sentences. Use Conditional Sentences Type 1 and Type 2. (переписати речення, використовуючи перший чи другий тип умовних речень)
1. if / you / not finish / homework / you / not be allowed / go out / tonight (1)
2. if /1 / have / enough money / buy / new / sports car (2)
3. you / not pass / test / unless / you / study harder (1)
4. if / you / eat / all / that / chocolate / you / get / sick (1)
5. if /1 / be / you /1 / buy / blue one (2)
6. if / he / not / hurry / miss / bus / and / be / late / school (1)
7. we / go / swimming / tomorrow / provided / weather / be /good (1)
8. if / he / can / do / that / alone / he / not ask / your help (2)
V. Read the text below and decide which answer a, b or c best fits each gap (Написати лише літеру)
Each month, we introduce you to talented girls and guys who want to become famous. This month, meet the Fab 2! Mark Birch and Alison Pratt are classmates. They have written (1) songs together and they’ve already made a CD! 'Our music is a mix, really', says Alison.' (2) ethnic, (3) hip-hop and (4) dance. We’ve got so (5) different influences'! The two work very well together. ‘Alison comes up with
(6) ideas and then we decide what we’re going to do’, explains Mark. 'Yes', adds Alison. 'We don't have (7) set ideas about what we want our songs to be like. I come up with the basic tune and the lyrics, then Mark writes the music. He plays the guitar, the keyboards and the drums'! Alison sings but she doesn't play (8) musical instrument.
1. a. a few b. a little c. plenty
2. a. A few b. A little c. Lots
3. a. lots b. some c plenty
4. a. many b. a lot c. lots of
5. a. many b. much c. lot of
6. a. no b. some c. any
7. a. some b. any c. no
8. a. some b. no c. any

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02.06.2023 15:24

7-Сынып Ағылшын 1БЖБ 1-Тоқсан Жауабы

1) 1. False

2. True

3. False

4. False

5. True

6. False

2) I love to sing because when you sing, you forget everything. Listen to new

music, that recently released the song "Men Emesa". Much like music, all day

listening. Sometimes do not have time to listen to music. And when we start to

feel sad or to recall some memories, listen to music. Music inspires man to

life. When you listen to music with a good filled it is impossible to be sad.

Everyone will forget in a minute and start to dream. This is called a hobby.

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03.12.2022 18:44

После клепки обеспечьте герметизацию поверхности, а затем покрасьте отремонтированный участок эмалью ЭП-140 того же цвета, что и машина.

2. совершенная конструкция двигателя и особенно проверенный процесс количественного производства обеспечивают его надежность и качество.

3. одним из основных достоинств двигателя является возможность установки двигателя под или над крылом, внутри фюзеляжа или снаружи с обеих сторон на многих самолетах без изменения его конструкции.

4. слесарно-ремонтные работы могут выполняться работниками, знающими конструкцию сиденья в пределах своих должностных обязанностей и техники безопасности в соответствии с технологическим процессом. Они должны быть уполномочены проводить ремонтные работы с сиденьем.

5. исполнитель гарантирует заказчику, что на момент сдачи двигателя из капитального ремонта в соответствии с настоящим Договором: 1) двигатели будут капитально отремонтированы в соответствии с техническими изданиями на капитальный ремонт данного типа двигателя; 2) двигатели не будут иметь дефектов, связанных с материалами и изготовлением; 3) Качество двигателя будет подтверждено сертификатом качества, выданным исполнителем.

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