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I/you/he/she/it/we/they +Will +a bare infinitive
I will work. I won't work. Will I work? Who will work? Where will I work?

Complete the sentences with will/won't and the verbs in brackets.
1 Your case is very heavy. Iit for you(carry).
2 Samto the party tonight. (come)
3 Ann coffee. She doesn't like it. (not drink)
4 Can you repair this clock? OK, I
it tomorrow. (do).
5 It's very warm outside. I a sweatshirt today. (not wear)
Choose the true answer for you.
1 Will you go to the park tomorrow?
Yes, I will. No, I won't.
2 Will it be cold tomorrow?
Yes, it will. No, it won't.
3 Will you visit your friend this weekend?
Yes, I will. No, I won't.
4 Will you be twelve next year?
Yes, I will. No, I won't.
5 Will you call your friend tomorrow?
Yes, I will. No, I won't.
Match the sentences with the uses of will. Write a, b, c.
a what someone thinks about the future
b an offer to do something
c a decision
The summer will be hot this year.

I'm very bored. I'll phone Paul.

Don't cry Tom. We will take you to the zoo.

My younger sister will probably study in Spain.

I'll have the red dress, please.

Are you hot? I'll open the window.

I will travel to different countries.

We'll help you to do your homework.

I will live in my home town.

I'm thirsty. Oh. I'll bring you a glass of water.

Make the following sentences negative.
1 The weather is changing. It will be warm tomorrow.
2 Sam will be in the office today.
3 I think John Brown will be glad to meet us this weekend.
4 Dinner will be ready at six o'clock tonight.
5 There will be some new students in the class.
Change the sentences into questions.
1 Kate will be at home this evening. Who?
2 I'm sure you'll enjoy the film. What?
3 We will need your help with that work tomorrow. When?
4 He will go to the theatre with his parents. Where ?

Rewrite the text in the Future
Simple tense.

The long, hot days of summer end. There isn't much sunshine during the day and the nights are not warm. The days grow shorter and the air becomes cooler.
The flowers don't bloom and the leaves cannot make enough chlorophyll to keep them green. Then the other colours in the leaves begin to show. Leaves become yellow, orange, red and purple and later they drop from the trees.
The season of autumn comes. It lasts for three months.
But people don't stay at home. At weekends they often go for walks in the parks. Children like to stay outdoors and play football and other games. They know that winter is on its way, so they don't want to miss this wonderful time of the year – Autumn.

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20.08.2022 22:28
3.In summer Tom usually plays tennis twice a week,doesn t he? In summer Tom usually doesn t play tennis twice a week. Does Tom play tennis twice a week in summer? 4 .Seven days sixty-five floors   one hundred and ninety-four people three thousand and eighteen numbers eighty-five thousand two hundred and ninety-one kilometers 5 . a)Their boss will be busy__at_16.00_to__19.00.
b)You will get your invitation__at_noon.
c)Our pupils had the last test__on_Wednesday.
d)Jane`s elder brother was born__on_January, 1999. 7. Deep-deeper-the deepest Tall-taller-the tallest Attractive-more attractive-the most attractive Bad-worse-the worst
8. a)Let's_go__snowboarding if you don't mind.
b)Do you__do_aerobocs three times a week?
c)Will you_play__darts or badminton? 9.a)My parents don t like  to go to the theatre.
b)She loves  playing hockey.
c)Why do you  dislike reading novels?
d)I don t like  playing guitar.  
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24.11.2020 09:51
Возникли богатые и бедные.. . в незапамятные времена.. . когда ещё был
 товарообмен.. . у тебя огород, у меня сад, ты мне - огурцов, я тебе - яблок, мы ему огурцов и яблок - он нам грибов из леса.. . а остальное всё вязали, шили и плели, тоже менялись.. . но и тогда уже у одного бы огород с урожаем, а другому то град побил, то козы вытоптали... так же и в саду.. . то же и со скотом, у одного корова двоих телят родила, а у соседа - и сама сдохла, и телёнок не выжил.. . у одного была сеть, а то и лодка, и рыбы пруд пруди, а другой за весь день поймал пару окуней.. .  потом стало сложнее, с ростом промышленности и возникновением городов стали люди работать друг на друга, появились заводы и отхожие промыслы, появились деньги, как символ.. . затраченного труда, стали возникать школы и больницы, библиотеки, которые не производили ничего, а труд был.. . и надо было за потраченное время получить как-то эквивалент, поэтому использовали деньги, чтобы оплачивать еду, одежду, растить детей, строить им дома и жить.. . На всё появились цены, стали деньги расходоваться и накапливаться, появились банки Есть работа и деятельность, есть служение, всё это приносит доход, но разный. Есть стабильный доход, есть случайный и несистематический. Одно дело - завести ферму и мясом торговать, сапоги шить, другое - стихи писать, неизвестно, напечатают ли и купят ли их жители города. Живёт музыкант, которому нужна скрипка и публика, иначе по миру пойдёшь, а рядом - пасечник, у которого пчёлки жужжат - мёд носят, и он уверен, что продаст.. . Многие сами к нему приедут.. . да и со своей посудой . Так что богатство часто - результат энергии, здоровья, труда и предприимчивости.. . Уметь надо Секрет знать Хотеть, знать, КАК, стремиться и добиваться, правильно рассчитывать силы...
На английском перевод:
There were rich and poor ... in ancient times ...when there was the exchange of goods ... you have a garden, my garden, you tell me - cucumbers, I tell you - apple, we told him cucumbers and apples - it mushrooms from the forest to us ... and the rest is all knitted, sewed and wove, me too ...but even then one would have a vegetable garden with the harvest, and another that broke hail, the goat trampled ... and also in the garden ... However, the cattle, one cow has given birth to two calves, and a neighbor - and she died, and the calf did not survive ...one was a network, and even a boat and fish a dime a dozen, and the other for the whole day, caught a couple of perches ... Then it became more difficult, with the growth of industry and the emergence of urban people began to work on each other, there were plants and seasonal work, got some money as a symbol ... labor input,began to emerge schools and hospitals, libraries that do not produce anything, and work was ... and it was necessary for taking the time to get something like the equivalent, so use the money to pay for food, clothing, raise a family, build their homes and live ...In all there were the price of steel and the money spent to accumulate, there were banksThere is work and activities is service, all of this generates income, but different. There is a steady income is a random and unsystematic.It is one thing - to have a farm and meat trade, stitching boots, another - writing poetry, unknown, type, and whether you buy their residents.Lives musician who needs violin and the audience, otherwise you will go around the world, and next - a beekeeper whose bees buzz - honey bear, and he is confident that it will sell ... Many people do come to it ... And with his utensils.So that wealth often - the result of energy, health, labor and enterprise ...We must be able toThe secret to knowWant to know how to strive and to achieve, correctly calculate the forces ...
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