I would have to write a lot of pages to tell my love story in detail, but I will try to keep it brief. The first day of college and I saw a girl entering the class – twinkling eyes, mesmerizing look, and a nose ring that caught my attention. I 15) a huge crush on her at first sight. She was a topper, very smart, cute, and pretty, I was attracted to her style of walking, her attitude, and the list goes 16). Within a week I was almost friendly with everyone in the class, but never had courage to approach her. She was the only one 17) my heart aflutter, but I somehow started a conversation and was successful with my efforts to be friendly with her. Her voice! How can someone not fall for her? Days into weeks into months and we started long night talks mentioning about family, school, friends, memories. We 18) for only 2-3 hours, still being fresh for college. There used to be a beautiful bond, understanding, and love between us. After a year I decided to 19) her. And here comes the twist. She is Muslim and I’m Hindu. We always had this barrier in mind, but could not control our feelings; we were madly in love, so happily stayed together, spending a beautiful 4 years of college. When we decided to take it up to parents, they didn’t give their blessing. It was 20) emotional drama. She agreed to marry a boy that her parents chose. I fought for a year; I could have fought the whole world to stay with her, but I didn’t manage to win her. I had spent the best 7 years of my life with her! 21) can ever replace her in my heart. We are still in the same office. We see each other, we smile and I whisper — love you infinitely! I ask God how he can be so unfair! The most beautiful gift that he has ever given to me, and he took it away!
15) a) felt b) was c) had d) made
16) a) on b) by c) in d) to
17) a) who make b) to make c) having made d) made
18) a) were sleeping b) had slept c) would have slept d) would sleep
19) a) engage b) offer c) propose d) ask
20) a) a number of b) a lot of c) much d) a lot
21)a) None b) No one c) Anyone d) Everyone
Все Рижское взморье в снегу. Он все время слетает с высоких сосен длинными прядями и рассыпается в пыль. Слетает он от ветра и от того, что по соснам прыгают белки. Когда очень тихо, то слышно, как они шелушат сосновые шишки.
Дом стоит у самого моря. Чтобы увидеть море, нужно зайти за калитку и немного пройти по протоптанной в снегу тропинке мимо заколоченной дачи. На окнах этой дачи еще с лета остались занавески. Они шевелятся от слабого ветра. Должно быть, ветер проникает сквозь незаметные щели в пустую дачу, но издали кажется, что кто-то их поднимает и осторожно следит за тобой.
Море не замерзло. Снег лежит до самой кромки воды. На нем видны следы зайцев. Когда на море подымается волна, то слышен не шум прибоя, а хрустенье льда и шорох оседающего снега. Балтика зимой пустынна и угрюма. (Ю. В. Бондарев)
Задание 2. Определите способ связи предложений в тексте (цепная или параллельная). Подчеркните средства связи предложений одной чертой, надпишите их названия, воспользовавшись справочным материалом.
Nicoleta: It's called Tria, but it's quite, quite big.
Nicoleta: It's called Tria, but it's quite, quite small.
2)Todd: Actually, you spoke English perfect.
Todd: Actually, you speak English perfect.
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1)Nicoleta: It's called Tria, but it's quite, quite huge.
Nicoleta: It's called Tria, but it's quite, quite big.
Nicoleta: It's called Tria, but it's quite, quite small.