Мені дуже подобається вивчати історію. Це один з моїх найулюбленіших шкільних предметів. Занурюючись в історичне минуле, можна уявити себе на місці якогось відомого мудреця або правителя. Предмет історії дає можливість розвивати уяву, просторове мислення, пам’ять, вчить аналізувати і робити висновки.
Чому історія улюбений предмет? Тому що:
Цікаво знайомитися з історією своєї країни. Багато важливого і потрібного досвіду попередніх поколінь можна використовувати в сучасному житті. Для цього необхідно уважно і детально розглядати історичні факти. Приваблива для мене історія Стародавнього Риму, Єгипту. Це найдавніші культури від яких зараз залишилося небагато. Цілі міста поховані під шарами піску, або покриті товщею води. Адже в них жили люди. У людей був побут, були радості, сльози, війни
In Bangladesh the government wants A mobile phones for young people who are under sixteen. There B an opinion that mobile phones might C brain damage. They are more dangerous for teenagers than for adults because teenagers’ skulls are thinner. There are a lot of mobile phones thefts nowadays. This could D a very frightening experience. But a lot of parents feel that their kids E safer if they have a mobile phone. Statistics says that young people smoke less these days because they spend more time talking and taking pictures. So mobile phones are pretty healthy.
A - 1) to ban
B - 2) is
C - 1) cause
D - 4) be
E - 3) will be
2. The Amazon Rainforest
The Amazon Rainforest is a large beautiful forest in Brazil, South America. It (A) at the mouth of the Amazon River. The Amazon River is the (B) river in South America. It (C) between the Andes Mountain Ranges and the Atlantic Ocean.
The Amazon Rainforest is a very beautiful place. A wide variety of animals, birds and insects live in it. There (D) also many trees and plants. Today the forest (E) a very serious problem. People are cutting too many of its trees. As a result, much of its animal and plant life is disappearing forever. Scientists say that the whole world is in danger because of the destruction of the rainforests.
Tom could not concentrate for the rest of the morning (which was not unusual). He tried really (A) but the confusion inside him was too great. In the geography (B) he turned lakes into mountains, mountains into (C) , rivers into continents, until everything was complete chaos. In the spelling class he made (D) in the simplest words, and he messed up his reading in the (E) class.
At last the school bell rang. He ran to Becky. They went into the school-house which was empty and sat down. Tom gave Becky his pencil and guided her hand across the page. They drew a beautiful house.
Мені дуже подобається вивчати історію. Це один з моїх найулюбленіших шкільних предметів. Занурюючись в історичне минуле, можна уявити себе на місці якогось відомого мудреця або правителя. Предмет історії дає можливість розвивати уяву, просторове мислення, пам’ять, вчить аналізувати і робити висновки.
Чому історія улюбений предмет? Тому що:
Цікаво знайомитися з історією своєї країни. Багато важливого і потрібного досвіду попередніх поколінь можна використовувати в сучасному житті. Для цього необхідно уважно і детально розглядати історичні факти. Приваблива для мене історія Стародавнього Риму, Єгипту. Це найдавніші культури від яких зараз залишилося небагато. Цілі міста поховані під шарами піску, або покриті товщею води. Адже в них жили люди. У людей був побут, були радості, сльози, війни
In Bangladesh the government wants A mobile phones for young people who are under sixteen. There B an opinion that mobile phones might C brain damage. They are more dangerous for teenagers than for adults because teenagers’ skulls are thinner. There are a lot of mobile phones thefts nowadays. This could D a very frightening experience. But a lot of parents feel that their kids E safer if they have a mobile phone. Statistics says that young people smoke less these days because they spend more time talking and taking pictures. So mobile phones are pretty healthy.
A - 1) to ban
B - 2) is
C - 1) cause
D - 4) be
E - 3) will be
2. The Amazon RainforestThe Amazon Rainforest is a large beautiful forest in Brazil, South America. It (A) at the mouth of the Amazon River. The Amazon River is the (B) river in South America. It (C) between the Andes Mountain Ranges and the Atlantic Ocean.
The Amazon Rainforest is a very beautiful place. A wide variety of animals, birds and insects live in it. There (D) also many trees and plants. Today the forest (E) a very serious problem. People are cutting too many of its trees. As a result, much of its animal and plant life is disappearing forever. Scientists say that the whole world is in danger because of the destruction of the rainforests.
1. lies; 2. has; 3. longest; 4. are; 5. scientist; 6. argument; 7. runs.
A - 1
B - 3
C - 7
D - 4
E - 2
3. After SchoolTom could not concentrate for the rest of the morning (which was not unusual). He tried really (A) but the confusion inside him was too great. In the geography (B) he turned lakes into mountains, mountains into (C) , rivers into continents, until everything was complete chaos. In the spelling class he made (D) in the simplest words, and he messed up his reading in the (E) class.
At last the school bell rang. He ran to Becky. They went into the school-house which was empty and sat down. Tom gave Becky his pencil and guided her hand across the page. They drew a beautiful house.
1. last; 2. reading; 3. mistakes; 4. class; 5. hard; 6. pencil; 7. rivers.
A - 5
B - 4
C - 7
D - 3
E - 2