I'played / was playing in a football match last weekend and a few things 2went / were going wrong. First, when I 'arrived / was arriving at the pitch at ten o'clock, I "discovered / was discovering that there was nobody there. Then I realised the match didn't start / wasn't starting until midday. I was two hours too early. While | waited / was waiting for everybody to arrive, it started raining and I'didn't have / wasn't having an umbrella. At last, the sun came out and the game "began / was beginning. I played for twenty minutes before I was injured. This is what happened. The score was 2-0 to the other team. Suddenly, I had a chance, but as 1 °ran / was running for the ball, I 10fell / was falling and 1"hurt / was hurting my leg. I stopped playing after that and we 12 lost / were losing the match 5-0.