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08.05.2020 05:47 •  Английский язык

Present Simple-Present Continuous?
1.I usuallybreakfast at 8 o'clock. (have).
2.It's 8 o'clock. I breakfast now. (have).
3.My sister often the newspaper on Sunday morning.(read).
4.It's Sunday morning and my sister the newspaper.(read).
5.I to music at the moment.(listen).
6.We alwaysour homework in the evening. (do).
II. Grammar: Insert articles a, an, the or no article.
1.British Isles include the islands of Great Britain andIreland.
2.We are fromRussian Federation.
3.capital of Russian Federation isMoscow.
4.Chicago is situated in USA, andDublin is situated inIreland.
5.largest ocean is Pacific ocean.
III. Add question tags to these sentences:
1.You like sports,?
2.This is your favourite song,?
3.It isn't Trevor's house,?
4.You can't live without a computer,?
5.Vera usually goes skiing in Desember,?
IV. Choose the right variant

1.Whose computer is this? It's Robert's and mine. It's

a)his b)theirs c)ours d)yours

2.Whose photos are these?

a)It's Nevita's b)they're Nevita's c)There are Nevita's d)These are Nevita

3.Is there any snow on the ground?

a)No, it isn't some b)No there aren't any c)No, there isn't any d)No, there is.

4.Whatyou likein your spare time?
a)are you like doing b)do you like do c)do you like doing d)do you like does
5.I got up late last Sunday.
a)When do you get up last Sunday?
b)When did you got up last Sunday?
IV. Choose the right variant
1.Whose computer is this? It's Robert's and mine. It's
a)his b)theirs c)ours d)yours
2.Whose photos are these?
a)It's Nevita's b)they're Nevita's c)There are Nevita's d)These are Nevita
3.Is there any snow on the ground?
a)No, it isn't some b)No there aren't any c)No, there isn't any d)No, there is.
4.Whatyou likein your spare time?
a)are you like doing b)do you like do c)do you like doing d)do you like does
5.I got up late last Sunday.
a)When do you get up last Sunday?
b)When did you got up last Sunday?
c) When did you get up late?
d) When did you get up last Sunda
V. Test in reading.

Robert Burns.

Robert Burns is the national poet of Scotland and Scotland's best-loved bard. His poetry and songs have never been out of fashion.

Burns wrote in the Scots language and in English. He preserved the Scots language in literary and greatly contributed to the development of Scottish national culture. His birthday, January 25, is the annual occasion of «Burns Night» festivities.

Burns collected folk songs. He turned the original words into a beautiful poem, a song that has conquered the world. Auld Land Syne written by Robert Burns is sung by people at New Year parties from London and New York to Tokyo.
Are the statements true (T) or false( F)?

1.Though Robert Burns was born and lived in Scotland, he wrote his poems mainly in English. ___
2. Robert Burns did much for the development of national culture.
3. On the 25-th of January people enjoy singing a song Auld Land Syne.
4.Traditionally, at the Eve of New Year people from Scotland, England, the USA enjoy singing Auld Land Syne written by Robert Burns.
5. Robert Burns is considered to be the best-loved bard. So, in his honour, on the 25-th of January, there are annual festivals of national poems and songs.
VI . Writing Task C( Написать письмо о своей комнате)
Write a letter to your pen-friend about your room. Start your letter from the sentences.
. Recently my family and I moved to a new flat. I'd like to describe it….

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20.08.2020 16:27
Tigers are the largest members of the cat family and are renowned for their power and strength.there were eight tiger subspecies at one time, but three became extinct during the 20th century.  over the last 100 years, hunting and forest destruction have reduced tiger populations from hundreds of thousands of animals to perhaps fewer than 2,500.tigers are hunted as trophies, and also for body parts that are used in traditional chinese medicine.  all five remaining tiger subspecies are endangered, and many protection programs are in place.bengal tigers live in india and are sometimes called indian tigers.they are the most common tiger and number about half of all wild tigers.  over many centuries they have become an important part of indian tradition and lore.tigers live alone and aggressively scent-mark large territories to keep their rivals away.  they are powerful nocturnal hunters that travel many miles to find buffalo, deer, wild pigs, and other large mammals.  tigers use their distinctive coats as camouflage (no two have exactly the same stripes).  they lie in wait and creep close enough to attack their victims with a quick spring and a fatal pounce.  a hungry tiger can eat as much as 60 pounds (27 kilograms) in one night, though they usually eat less.despite their fearsome reputation, most tigers avoid humans; however, a few do become dangerous maneaters.  these animals are often sick and unable to hunt normally, or live in an area where their traditional prey has vanished.females give birth to litters of two to six cubs, which they raise with little or no help from the male.  cubs cannot hunt until they are 18 months old and remain with their mothers for two to three years, when they disperse to find their own territory.
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28.12.2022 16:12
Есть две ступени школьного образования в россии: начальное образование и среднее образование. в возрасте 6 или 7 российских детей пойдут в школу. в течение первых трех или четырех лет они получают начального образования: они учатся читать, писать, считать, и рисовать. они также есть уроки музыки, культуры и ремесел. в отличие от или u. s. a., в россии начальные школы не являются, как правило, отделены от средних школах: у нас есть большие школы, которые сочетают в себе первичный отдел образования и дополнительного образования департамента под одной крышей. на самом деле, типичная российская школа-это на самом деле средняя школа, начальное образование кафедры. только в маленькой стране места, там могут быть отдельные начальные школы, по окончании которых ученики проходят на ближайшего большего средней школы. курс среднего образования, в свою очередь, подразделяется на два этапа: первый этап, который можно назвать промежуточным, так и второго. промежуточный этап является обязательным и охватывает формы с 5-го до 9-го. на промежуточном этапе ученики получают базовые знания по языку и , иностранному языку, , , , , , биологии. они также есть уроки музыки, искусства и ремесла. компьютерный курс также включены в учебный план. по окончании промежуточного курса обучения, в возрасте 14 лет, учащиеся могут либо пойти в профессионально-технических учебных заведений, профессиональную подготовку, или остаться в школе еще на два года. учебный план последних двух лет предлагает широкий спектр предметов, так что подростки могут выбрать курс обучения, в соответствии с их индивидуальными склонностями и способностями.
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