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I Circle the correct words. 1. Charlie looks a lot like that man over there. Are they relaxed / related?

2. It’s a very interesting and socialising / stimulating book. I think you’ll love it.

3. This vest / slope looks really old-fashioned. I don’t think you should wear it.

4. It’s very cold outside. Why don’t you wear your gloves / goggles?

5. I have to admit / provide that Peter’s wife is the most polite person I’ve ever met.

6. Liam is working as a bank customer / clerk but he doesn’t like his job at all.

7. Mike is never essential / punctual. He always shows up late when we have an appointment.

8. They didn’t hire / require Jane because the manager didn’t think she was suitable for that job.

II Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words

helpful sociable reliable suitable

1. You can definitely trust me. Everybody knows that I’m a very……. person.

2. These clothes aren’t ….. for the job interview. You need to wear something more formal.

3. Thank you very much. You’ve been really ….. I owe you one!

4. Tom is very……. . Everywhere he goes, he always makes new friends and everybody likes him.

III Choose the word or phrase that produces a grammatically correct sentence.

1. Julie put her coat on because it was very cold outside. a. had to b. must c. might d. can’t

2. It’s raining again. You take your umbrella with you. a. had better b. don’t have to c. would rather d. need

3. She’s driving carelessly. She have an accident. a. must b. could c. would rather d. had better

4. You be back by 10 o’clock, otherwise we’ll be late for the meeting. a. can b. may c. can’t d. must

5. I left my keys at home. They’re not in my bag. a. must have b. can have c. would rather have d. need to have

6. You bring the books today. I don’t need them right away! a. mustn’t b. have to c. needn’t d. don’t have

7. This chocolate cake is delicious! I have another piece? a. Need b. Could c. Might d. Must

8. Stephanie studies hard. She be a very good student. a. rather b. can’t c. doesn’t have to d. must

9. I have a glass of water, please? a. May b. Might c. Can’t d. Need

10. Where’s Harry? He at home. I called and there’s no answer. a. can’t be b. must be c. has to be d. needs to be

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09.08.2021 21:53
Just I love the summer. In fact a wonderful time. On the street heat, you can walk longer than usual to go to the pool. In this case, no need to go to school, just relax yourself at your leisure.

Despite all this, there is another reason for which I sincerely love summer. In the middle of my birthday. This year it should pass in a special way, not because it is always because that date is also special. I look forward to this treasured day.

So, it remains quite a bit, tomorrow will come the long-awaited day. It promises to be a memorable one. Opening my eyes in the morning, I suddenly realized that something was wrong. Sky some gray and the mood is not at all. At that moment, when I tried to get out of bed, I realized that something is wrong not with the weather, and it was with me.

I got sick. His head ached very much, besides it constantly made itself felt because of fever. Parents certainly too upset that such a day I lie in bed and sick. The whole holiday just had to be canceled. Friends a little disappointed, but still tried to support me and congratulated. Though most minimal attention, but it was still very nice.

What is most interesting night realized that the best holiday I have not been. All day I've spent in a circle really close to me. Those who love me just like that, no matter what. I love all my pluses and minuses. Absolutely all day we just sat and drank hot tea and watch a variety of movies. I'm actually somewhat matured on that date. I understand what is really important in life and that is simply not worth paying attention to.

This is how I once fell ill on his birthday. Of course, everything was not as originally planned. But it is not worse, and even better and more enjoyable. After all, it is the birthday of a family holiday. And hold it in a circle of close friends is the best gift I received that day. For all the time I have not even thought about the pain in my head and that always want to cough. The day was just a breeze. In fact, an unforgettable experience and memories.

The next morning I felt much better, and the next day, and all recovered. What is most interesting, friends are still offered to arrange a holiday for me, but I refused. I refused because the real celebration has already taken place, and the other I just simply do not. So even better.
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22.06.2020 17:34
2. i just have read your letter. 3. have you already bought a new flat? 4. you made a lot of mistakes in a dictation. 5. have you ever seen this person? 6. i read two books this month. 7. my friend went to moscow the last week and he still haven't written me. 8. i haven't seen new films. 9. did you read about our new theatre in the newspaper today? 10. have you ever been in london? - no, i haven't but i'll go there this year. 11. did you read this book? how did you find it? 12. i wanted to watch this film last week but only could yesterday. 13. i'm going to apply to the institute nex year. 14. did your son finished an institute? 15. his daughter finished school last year.
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