How are Janice's family going to travel to Sochi? 2. Where are they going to stay? 3. What is Janice going to send to Brian? 4. What is Janice going to see? 5. When is Janice going to go to Sochi?Dear Brian, Thanks for your email. Let me tell you about our plans for our summer holiday! In June, I'm going to Sochi with my family. We are going to fly to Adler-Sochi International Airport and we are going to stay at the Zhemchuzhina Hotel. Then, I am going to see some films at the international film festival with my mother. My father and my brother are going to go fishing. We are going to meet in the evenings and we are going to eat together in the colourful street cafes and restaurants. I'll send you a postcard and tell you all about it. Janice 1. How are Janice's family going to travel to Sochi? 2. Where are they going to stay? 3. What is Janice going to send to Brian? 4. What is Janice going to see? 5. When is Janice going to go to Sochi?
1. conductors, insulators and semiconductors
2. conducting powers to the presence of free electrons which have broken away from their atoms
3. the most common of them are metals (copper, aluminium, steel, and others), carbon and electrolytes
4. their coefficient of resistance is different
5. includes materials with high resistivity
6. nichrome is used to produce heaters
7. -
4. Переведите словосочетанияа) прочность проволоки; полупроводниковый материал; воздушный изолятор - угольные щетки;
б) изменение силы - изменение сопротивления; изоляционные материалы - изолированные проводники; щетки с подогревом - источники тепла.
в) общая прочность проволоки; высокопроводящий медный провод; обычно производится
в) общая прочность проволоки; высокопроводящий медный провод; обычно производится металличесая щетка; параллельно соединенные элементы схемы; обычно производимые обогреватели.
г) любое значение удельного сопротивления; довольно низкая температура плавления.
5. Используйте в ответах: ...1. I don't know
2. Certainly
3. I don't know
6. Тест1. b)
2. a)
3. b)
4. b)
7. Используйте английские слова вместо русскихc) renders
c) rendersd) depends on
c) rendersd) depends one) depending on the
Я надеюсь, что вы уже знаете, что такое passive verbs, и вам просто лень это делать самим. На всякий случай, я оставлю тут определение: это просто страдательные глаголы.
Exercise 1
1. The child is washed every evening.
2. These textbooks were brought to me yesterday.
3. We will be invited to the party by Mary.
4. The students are being asked by the professor now.
5. The window was opened by somebody.
Exercise 2
1. The room has been reserved in the hotel in Spain.
2. My friends were invited to our party last week.
3. We are being shown this historical monument by the guide now.
4. Bread was bought in the shop near our house yesterday.
5. They are served in the restaurant in their hotel every day.
6. The story about this town will be told tomorrow.
Во втором упражнении они везде дают вам время, чтобы понять, какую форму глагола использовать -- большую часть времени в обычной речи берется из контекста.
Надеюсь, мой ответ вам решить, а главное, понять задачу!