Technology in human life. Computers, iPods, TV and the Internet, whether it helps the person? Of course, to find out all the events of the world, may be useful. But players and headphones destroy the brain and spoil the hearing. TV corrupts vision. He seemed a man in command - when and what to watch him. Technique is interesting and important, but it is harmful to health ...
(Техника в жизни человека. Компьютеры, плееры, телевизоры и Интернет ли это человеку? Конечно, узнавать все события мира, может быть полезно. Но плееры и наушники разрушают мозг и портят слух. Телевизор портит зрение. Он будто командует человеком - когда и что ему смотреть. Техника интересна и важна, но вредна для здоровья...)
1) Of couse we can go there together.What time should I pick you up?
2) Laura was shopping near her friend, Lynn, and decided to___drop in___and see her
3)Dont forget to take your room key back to the front desk when you___check out_of the hotel
4)If a camera __zooms in_on something that is being filmed or photographed it gives a close-up picture of in
5)If someone __hacks intoa computer system they break into the system especially in order to get secret information
6) Shes really busy-shes___looking afterthe kids
7)Never ___put offtill tomorrow what you can do today
8)They seem to get alonepretty weel
9)If a computer user fails to___log out__the system will be accessible to all
Technology in human life.
Computers, iPods, TV and the Internet, whether it helps the person?
Of course, to find out all the events of the world, may be useful. But players and headphones destroy the brain and spoil the hearing. TV corrupts vision. He seemed a man in command - when and what to watch him.
Technique is interesting and important, but it is harmful to health ...
(Техника в жизни человека.
Компьютеры, плееры, телевизоры и Интернет ли это человеку?
Конечно, узнавать все события мира, может быть полезно. Но плееры и наушники разрушают мозг и портят слух. Телевизор портит зрение. Он будто командует человеком - когда и что ему смотреть.
Техника интересна и важна, но вредна для здоровья...)