In 2000 a temporary ferris wheel was constructed in London and it was going to be dismantled in 2005. But tourists and the Londoners liked it so much and it fit right in the city environment that it was decided to keep it permanently. For those 5 years the wheel had become one of the main sights of the city and over 4 million visitors come see it every year. London eye was called the Millennium wheel at first because it was open in 2000.I understand why tourists like it so much, this wheel is one of the highest in the world and the view of the whole city of London from so high is remarkable, in addition you can see all the main sights from there. It took them 6 years to build it and several architects and designers were working on it at the same time. The wheel is 135 meters high and it take approximately 30 minutes to complete one ride. There are 32 booths each of them is 10 tonnes. The booths are locked from outside and cannot be open from inside. Up to 25 people can fit in one booth.London eye can be seen from different parts of the city. At night time it’s illuminated. Tourists love taking photos of it because they come out so pretty. The attraction is very popular and there is always a queue of people willing to ride it.
это текст из интернета, но он грамматично правильный.
1) Який винахідливий розум у цієї дитини! 2) Негідна поведінка Алекса шокує! Він брехав про кожного з нас! 3) Це було сміливе рішення. 4) Вони дали старому джентльмену золотий годинник в якості нагороди за його доброту. 5) У нас був дійсно багатий на події день .Вранці ми пішли в центр Москви і подивилися пам'ятки Кремлю.Ми пообідали в рестораній вежі і ввечері ми пішли в Большой театр. 6) Ірен слухняна дочка завжди робить те, що її мати просить. 7) Чому ви повинні дивитися телевізор в той час як я всі речі в будинку? Це несправедливо! 8) Він сказав, що ніколи не був там, але він лежав. 9) Ми живемо в межах легкої досяжності від магазинів. 10) пляшка була за його досяжності, але в нашій. 11) Вона як і раніше під слідством іспанської поліції. 12) Його послуги були винагороджені.
London eye
In 2000 a temporary ferris wheel was constructed in London and it was going to be dismantled in 2005. But tourists and the Londoners liked it so much and it fit right in the city environment that it was decided to keep it permanently. For those 5 years the wheel had become one of the main sights of the city and over 4 million visitors come see it every year. London eye was called the Millennium wheel at first because it was open in 2000.I understand why tourists like it so much, this wheel is one of the highest in the world and the view of the whole city of London from so high is remarkable, in addition you can see all the main sights from there. It took them 6 years to build it and several architects and designers were working on it at the same time. The wheel is 135 meters high and it take approximately 30 minutes to complete one ride. There are 32 booths each of them is 10 tonnes. The booths are locked from outside and cannot be open from inside. Up to 25 people can fit in one booth.London eye can be seen from different parts of the city. At night time it’s illuminated. Tourists love taking photos of it because they come out so pretty. The attraction is very popular and there is always a queue of people willing to ride it.
это текст из интернета, но он грамматично правильный.