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22.02.2022 07:43 •  Английский язык

Graphic Design Graphic design is a very broad field and to master it is a very challenging escapade. We can have a good grasp of graphic design by understanding the basic elements and principles which make effective design and page layout. Graphic design is a course of combining texts and graphics in order to develop an interactive work of art.
Designers achieve their purpose by utilizing the elements and principles of graphic design. In today's world, graphic design has a greater percentage of influencing us. Everywhere we go, anywhere we look, practically everywhere there are different graphic design materials: posters, signs, newsletters, billboards.
Is graphic design an art, science, business, craft or language? Graphic design has operated under multiple identities since its inception with each of these identities dominant at one moment or another. And each may predominate from one project to the next in a designer's practice today. Often, graphic design is defined as a duality, combining two of these definitions, such as craft/language or business/art.
This identity crisis is confirmed by the lack of agreement on a name for the field. Graphic design, visual communications and visual design are all thoughtful names in current use. A variety of terms persist including commercial art, layout and graphic design. Unlike its venerable cousin architecture, graphic design is a very new design expression, a phenomenon of the last hundred years.
A spontaneous response to the communication needs of the industrial revolution, graphic design was invented to sell the fruits of mass production to growing consumer societies in Europe and North America in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Rapidly expanding reproduction technologies provided the means for graphic design's participation in the vast economic, political, technological and social changes of that era.
Graphic design has a massive impact on our everyday lives. It plays a huge part in the way we communicate, and forms an important part of our visual environment. In a world saturated with mass media communication of all kinds, the act of creating effective visual communication through graphic design has never been more challenging.
From early times one of the means of peoples' embodiment of their dreams, wishes and assessments was graphic. 80% of information about visual environment a person acquires with the help of vision, because, visual images are more effective and operative.
Nowadays graphic design maintains visual communications and advertising market with annual turnover (per different appraisals) in 1, 5-2 billions of dollars. Modern vectors of graphic design: 1. Corporate identity 2. Types 3. Graphical advertising 4. Books graphic 5. Newspapers graphic 6. Magazines graphic.

Упражнения к тексту

1. Найдите в ТЕКСТЕ слова, которые означает тоже самое, что и:
- permeate, soak;
- mess, chaos, confusion, disarray, disorder;
- convince, expostulate;
- scheme, plan.

2. Найдите в ТЕКСТЕ слова, которые имеют противоположное значение:
Method, neatness, order, sequence.

3. Соедините слово из левой колонки с его значением из правой колонки:
1) reproduction a) general law of cause and effect
2) expression b) having the same opinion
3) principle c) process of reproducing
4) agreement d) process of expressing
5) operate e) join together
6) poster f) mental picture of the future
7) combine g) work, be in action
8) dream h) placard displayed in a public place

4. Составьте предложения с каждым словом из упражнения 3 (левая колонка)

5. Выберите верное слово, чтобы закончить правильно предложение

1. Graphic design is a course of combining texts and graphics in order an interactive work of art.
a) to develop; b) to contact; c) to work

2. Designers their purpose by utilizing the elements and principles of graphic design
a) construct; b) create; c) achieve

3. A spontaneous to the communication needs the industrial revolution, graphic design was invented to sell the fruits of mass production to growing consumer societies
a) method; b) response; c) request

4. Rapidly expanding reproduction technologies provided the means for graphic design's in the vast economic, political, technological and social changes of that era.
a) participation; b) role; c) significance

5. Graphic design has a massive on our everyday lives
a) importance; b) impact; c) influence

6. Graphic design plays a huge part in the way we , and forms an important part of our visual environment
a) live; b) communicate; c) work

7. From early times one of the means of peoples' embodiment of their dreams, wishes and assessments was .
a) graphic; b) work; c) conversation

Показать ответ
17.01.2020 17:04
My father has birthday yesterday. when dad was going home, my mom baked his favorite apple pie and bought pullover for him. I brought the flowers. our grandma knitted a scarf. my father was happy. when I went home, my brother went to the concert. by 6 pm they had been already packed. we were not going home yet , when it rained. buy the end of last year we had been learned to speak English. when the sun had set, they returned home. she spent the money before she returned. had they found you there?
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16.05.2021 19:37

Англия - самая большая и самая богатая страна Ве­ликобритании. Столица Англии - Лондон; но существуют и другие важные города, например Бирмингем, Ливерпуль и Манчестер и другие известные и интересные города, такие как Йорк, Честер, Оксфорд и Кембридж. Стоунхендж - одно из самых известных доисторических мест в мире. Это древний круг из камней, находящийся на юго-востоке Англии. Его диаметр равняется 30 метрам, и сделан он из массивных каменных блоков до четырех метров высотой. Почему он был построен - загадка.

Недалеко от Стоунхенджа стоит Солсберийский собор. Это прекрасный пример английского готического собора; внутри него хранится одна из четырех копий Великой Хартии и самые старые часы Англии. Честер - очень важный город на северо-западе Англии. В это был римский форт; название его происходит от латинского слова "castra", что означает "укрепленный лагерь". В Честере находится знаменитый музей, в котором собрано более 5 000 древних и современных игрушек.

Оксфорд - это родина самого старого университета Ан­глии. Самый известный колледж - Крайст Черч. В нем сохранился холл, построенный во время правления Генри­ха VIII, а его часовня стала Оксфордским собором. Кембридж - родина второго самого старого британского университета. Йорк был столицей Северной Англии. Сейчас это один из наиболее сохранившихся средневековых городов Европы. Он был построен римлянами, завоеван англосаксами и управлялся викингами.
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