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Fill in the blanks using either the gerund or the (to) + infinitive forms.
l. I don't rnind my office (change).
2. I forgot (take) the books back to the library today.
3. You know me. However, I don't remember (meet) you
1. I'll never forget (watch) the sunset over Lake Victoria. It was wonderful.
5. Call me whenever you think the grass needs (cut).
6. I called Mum on our way to Michigan, when we stopped (get) some petrol.
7. I have never regretted (tell) the truth.
8. If you cant't concentrate on your work anymore, try (take) a shower. That
might help.
9. Remember (buy) the tickets before they are sold out.
10. My instructor advised (make) a list of the new vocabulary items every day.
11. I had to finish my drink in the hall as they don't allow people (enter) the
cinema with beverages.
12. We decided to sell the piano as my daughter stopped (take) piano lessons
years ago.
Dear Aunt Mary.
Finally, I've managed (1) (find) someone who is genuinely interested in the
research that I'm doing. The biology professors at my university are all too busy (2)
(help) me. They are only concerned about (3) (publish) their
own material. Professor Greenberg, from Boston College. however, took my research very
seriously. He even offered (4) (let) me use the facultv lab for my experiments.
You know, that's actually against the rules. They do not permit students from other
universities to do experiments in their labs. I really appreciate him (5) (be)
so involved in my project. He supports me in whatever I do and has encouraged me (6)
(write) about the results in next month's issue of Science Magazine…
Many people must have dreamed of (7) (own) a small house in a foreign
country. Others, with even bigger ideas and a lot more money, may even have consiclered
(8) (buy) hotels. In any case, it is absolutely essential (9)
(know) a great deal about the value of property-otherwise the buyer may be at the mercy of
dishonest agents. Some tourists, however, are so foolish that nothing can prevent them from
(10) (be) cheated. About 3 years ago a Japanese tourist attempted
(11) (buy) the Collosseum in Rome. His agents told him that the building
was in need of repair but it was well worth (12) (spend) money on a building
like that. They took a deposit of 200,000 liret and told him they would complete the
arrangements that evening. The poor Japanese tourist agreed (13) (meet)
them at a certain hotel that evening but, of course they never came.

Change the words in brackets into participle forms.
1. The book (write) by a friend of mine is in the list of best sellers.
2. (reserve) a table a week in advance, we were seated immediately
by the head waiter.
3. (see) the old man crossing the street, the driver braked hard.
4. Martin has started to work for a company. However, (have) his
own business for many years, he now finds it hard to accept orders from
another authority.
5. Romeo, (believe) that Juliet was dead, decided to kill himself.
6. Bob, who got extremely angry at his boss, went out (slam) the door.
7. The president entered the room, (accompany) by his body guards.
Last Friday, our teacher took us to the Natural History Museum. First, we toured the
(fascinate) displays of prehistoric animals. Then, we went into the
next room where there were some fossils of the earliest (know) plants.
As we went on, it was (amaze) to see the displays of Homo Sapiens.
Although my friends and I were extremely (exhaust) at the end of the
day, we all appreciated the knowledge we had gained.

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18.08.2020 04:27

Последний Великий Уайлдернес Земли.

Сто лет назад великие исследователи Скотт, Шеклтон и Амундсен мчались, чтобы первыми достичь Южного полюса. Сегодня прекрасный замерзший континент Антарктида сталкивается с совершенно разными проблемами ...


Глобальное потепление не является чем-то новым. Все мы знаем, что сжигание ископаемого топлива, парниковых газов и вырубка лесов вызывают повышение мировых температур. Но за последние 50 лет температура в Антарктиде увеличилась примерно на 3 градуса, что примерно в 10 раз больше, чем в остальном мире! В результате тают ледники и морской лед, а в море ломаются шельфовые ледники, что является очень плохой новостью! Если толстый полярный ледяной покров Антарктиды со временем растает, мир не только в целом нагреется, но и глобальный уровень моря может повыситься примерно на 6 метров, затопив многие прибрежные районы. Это очень тревожно, так как почти каждый город с населением более 10 миллионов человек находится на побережье!

Другая проблема состоит в том, что таяние льда образует облака, что приводит к большему количеству снегопада. Это может осложнить жизнь некоторым диким животным в Антарктиде, таким как пингвины, чьи яйца гниют в снегу.

Ученые также беспокоятся о повышении температуры моря. В морях только на 2 С теплее, моллюски не могут хоронить себя на морском дне, подгузники не могут перевернуться и морские гребешки не могут плавать. Эти существа затем легче ловятся хищниками, и это затрагивает всю пищевую цепь. Поэтому не пройдет много времени, прежде чем более крупные птицы и животные, такие как киты, тюлени и морские львы, будут подвергаться опасности, если температура моря продолжит повышаться!


Антарктиду не зовут «последней великой пустыней Земли» ни для чего! Ни одна страна не владеет ею, и там не живут местные жители. Поэтому его чистый воздух, вода и лед делают его идеальным местом для научных исследований. Поэтому Антарктида стала крупнейшей в мире лабораторией! Во многих странах созданы научные базы, что означает, что население в настоящее время колеблется от около 1000 до зимой около 4000 человек. Кроме того, 30 000 авантюрных туристов теперь посещают Антарктиду каждый год. Может показаться хорошей идеей посетить совершенно нетронутое место, полное удивительных пейзажей, дикой природы, ледников и айсбергов, но там, где есть люди, это оказывает влияние на окружающую среду, такую ​​как мусор, выбросы CO2 от сжигания топлива и загрязнение с лодок. Мы не осторожны, и ученые, и туристы могут повредить те самые качества, которые привлекают их в Антарктиду!


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05.08.2021 20:07
Archaeological finds in the Japanese archipelago confirms the thesis that the ancient Japanese wore a simple hemp clothes at the end of an era Jomon. In the beginning of the 1st Millennium N. X., under the influence of continental fashion in Japan and got cotton silk suits Korean-Manchurian type. 6-8 century the inhabitants of the Islands were under the influence of Chinese culture, which is reflected in the clothing, which was an exact copy of the outfit Chinese counterparts. In the Heian period (794-1185) the Japanese first moved away from the continental Canon, creating the prototype of today's kimono. From the 13th to the 15th century formed the principal types of unique Japanese outfits for different social groups. Evolution of the Japanese costume of the Edo period (1603-1867) was affected by simplification of the construction and enrichment of the decor, which led to the emergence of the modern kimono.
A revolution in Japanese clothing caused westernbased reform of the Meiji era in the second half of the 19th century. European fashion began to displace traditional Japanese costume. This process was gradual surface until 1945, touching only the guiding layers of the society. However, the democratization of the "Americanization" of the way of life of the ordinary Japanese has led to the fact that the Japanese kimono was pushed out of daily life.
Today, the Japanese traditional costume used basically only during the holidays and formal events.
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