Exercise 5. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage below. Reviews, Performances, Audience, rehearsals, first night, director, run, theatre-goers, parts, hit, cast, flop, critics, playwright, matinees, applause, auditions The person who directs the preparation of a play is the (a) . Sometimes the (b) , who wrote the play, works with him. One of the first things to be done is to choose the (c) , the actors and actresses. For this purpose, (d) are held at which actors perform short pieces and the most suitable are chosen for the (e) in the play. Before the play is performed in front of an (f ) of hundreds of (g) , of course there are a lot of (h) . At last, the (i) ! When the curtain gees down at the end, will there be enthusiastic (j) or silence? Will the newspaper (k) be good or bad? What will the (l) think? Everyone hopes for a (m) that will (n) for months or even years, but the play might be a (o) and only last a few days. It's hard work in the theatre. There are evening (p) six nights a week and afternoon shows, cailed (q) , once or twice as well.
1. I get up usually at 7 o'clock in the mornings
2 I often have some mashed potatoes and sausages for breakfast
3 At 8 o'clock I usually get ready to leave for school
4 My school always begins at half past 8
4 It takes me about twenty minutes to get to school
5 As a rule my classes finish at two pm and I come home in the afternoon
6 In the evenings we usually gather in the living room and watch TV, play games or just tell each other our news.
7 I often go to bed at ten if I don't have any difficult hometask.
с последний в голову приходит только время, может чего придумаешь на русском в настоящем, напиши, переведу
1. Мистер Уайт спрашивает: “Миссис Сэндфорд дома?”
2. Бетти говорит: “входите, Мистер Уайт.”
3. мать сыну: “Иди в ванную и вымой руки и лицо.”
4. Преподаватель студентам: “не шуметь!”
5. Учитель к монитору: “намочите тряпку и очистите доску
6. мать своим детям: “не перебивайте меня!”
7. Майк говорит: “когда Бетти дома?”
8. Джек спрашивает: “Вы женаты?”
9. Однокурсников Кейт сказать: “с Днем рождения, Кейт!”
10. Бетти говорит: “у меня есть шурин. Он же врач.”
11. декан обращается к студентам: “где ваши зачетные книжки?”
12. Хелен говорит: “Я всегда встаю в 6.30 утра, открываю окно и делаю утреннюю зарядку.”