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26.01.2022 21:57 •  Английский язык

Exercise 1. State the morphological composition of the following prepositions:
In, below, with regard to, during, concerning, till, in front of, without, behind, under, in view of, outside, off, into, until, across, according to, with, along, up, inside, out of, owing to, at, regarding.
Exercise 2. Insert prepositions and define their meaning where possible.
1. The life __ the Dutch settlement now began to be built into the life __ the American nation. This these people did consciously and __ their own will, although there were — the older ones some who longed, as did even Mijnheer Stulting __ times, __ the comfort and security __ his old home. It had been a sad blow __ him when the pastor died __ the early years and lie was never again satisfied altogether __ any who tried to take his place. (Buck) 2. Bitterly tired, he lay down __ the sofa __ his fur coat and fell asleep. (Galsworthy) 3. __ the appointed time __ the evening Mr. Micawber reappeared. (Dickens) 4. They were __ earnest conversation. __ time __ time they would halt and one __ them would, it seemed, explain something __ the other, who __ turn would nod his head sagely. (Clark) 5. There was only one other event __ this hall-year,... that made an impression __ me which still survives. (Dickens) 6. He reached his house __ midnight. (Galsworthy) 7. He looked __ his watch. __ half an hour the doctor would be back. (Galsworthy) 8. Bing went __ the soldier, who had the serious face __ a child thrown __ the world too soon. (Heym) 9. He stared __ her __ amazement. He had forgotten that she was ignorant __ his story and __ his flight __ Carlion. (Greene) 10. __ these studies the excellent Mrs. O'Dowd was __ great assistance __ him. (Thackeray) 11. A child __ 1901, he had come __ consciousness when his country, just over that bad attack __ scarlet fever, was preparing __ the Liberal revival __ 1906. (Galsworthy) 12. Mrs. Reed's hands still lay __ her work inactive, her eyes __ ice continued to dwell freezingly __ mine. (Ch. Bronte) 13. When __ the first week __ December he decided to go __ Paris, he was far __ admitting that Irene's presence was influencing him. (Galsworthy) 14. Stroeve was, of course, delighted __ her. He could not do enough to show his gratitude __ the whole hearted devotion __ which she had accepted the burden he laid __ her. (Maugham) 15. Just before Christmas, Reggie Burnside passed __ London __ his way __ Murren. He dropped __ Elizabeth's studio ir _ tea. (Aldington) 16. One autumn morning I was __ my mother __ the front garden, when Mr. Murdstone, I knew him __ that name now, came by __ horseback. (Dickens) 17. He was proud __ this enlistment; proud __ his boy forgoing off to fight __ the country. (Galsworthy) 18. An accidental circumstance cemented the intimacy __ Steerforth and me, __ a manner that inspired me __ great pride and satisfaction though it sometimes led __ inconvenience. (Dickens)
Exercise 3. Insert by or with.
1. The Germans, he had been assured __ everybody, were on the run, and it was unlikely that they would stop running so soon... (Heym) 2. He was busy making entries __ a lead pencil in a book which lay open before him. (Dreiser) 3. Both men were loaded down __ field equipment and the bottles contributed __ the grateful people of Paris. (Heym) 4. They dined in the small restaurant, which had been "decorated" __ rather feeble pictures __ young artists. (Aldington) 5. But the nearer he came to the center of the town, the more difficult it was to walk; the road was strewn __ stones and bricks and rubble. (Heym) 6. I remember being met at the Zoo station __ one of their scholars. (Snow) 7. He sat down vigorously and lighted a cigarette __ trembling hands. (Murdoch) 8. The streets, crowded __ people, still reminded Yates of the first days in Paris, the honeymoon of liberation. (Heym) 9. She had been appointed __ one of Rainborough's predecessors. (Murdoch) 10. The hills around Rollingen, usually illuminated __ the fires in the blast furnaces, were crowded __ the lightning of far-off guns. (Heym)

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20.06.2020 04:35
Переезд в Royal Hotel. Пол бизнесмен из Франции сказал своему другу Ean он хотел посетить Лондон и увидеть его достопримечательности Он добавил, что он собирается путешествовать на машине. Ean знал, сколько его друг был заинтересован в британской королевской семьи и всего, что связано с короной. Ean был уверен, что Павел должен видеть официальной королевской резиденции в Букингемском дворце и остальные дворцы королевы заработали. Он посоветовал Павлу, чтобы посетить Британский музей, Лондонский Тауэр и Гайд-парка. Но он напомнил своему другу, что все эти места находятся в центре Лондона и вождение в Лондоне было очень трудно. Павел не испугался и сказал, что он легко найти все те места, и его отель. Он собирался остаться в Royal Hotel, один из лучших в городе. На своем пути к отелю Павел остановился, чтобы взглянуть на гордость шествие гуляя по аллее. Павел восхищался в процессии и даже последовал за ним на своей машине. И вдруг он понял, что сбился с пути. Он посмотрел на карту города, но это не Он coudnt найти свой отель. Он поехал по кругу в течение часа, а затем он остановился и вышел из машины. Вырулить пришел и Павел остановил его. Возьмите меня в Royal Hotel сказал он. Но он не попасть в вырулить, он вернулся в свою машину. Вырулить человек засмеялся, но потом он поехал в Royal Hotel и Павел последовал за ним на своей машине. Они получили в отель в 2 минуты.
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02.06.2022 05:01
Про лису Fox or a fox - the common name of several species of mammals canine. Only 11 species of this group belong to the genus itself fox (lat. Vulpes). The most well-known and common representative - Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes). Foxes are found in the folklore of many nations around the world.

According to modern concepts of phylogeny canine [1] group of foxes in understanding, which is used in this article - polyphyletic, hence unsuitable for use as a taxon.  Обезьяна Monkeys - Quadrumana mammals closest to the person on the structure of the body, in the broadest sense - all members of the order primates (Primates). The word "monkey" appeared in the Old Russian language as a borrowing from Persian abuzine and became widely known after the publication of "A Journey Beyond the Three Seas" Athanasius Nikitin.  Лошадь
Domestic horses (lat. Equus ferus caballus) - an animal of the horse family unit equines, domesticated and only surviving subspecies of wild horse (Equus ferus), extinct in the wild, except for a small population of Przewalski's horse. Widely used by man to date.
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