Ex. 6. Make the following sentences complete by translating the words and phrases in brackets into English:
1. The first buildings were simple (шалаши, палатки, кровы) meant to suit the basic needs of protection from the elements, built by their inhabitants
2. Cultures from pre-history to modern times constructed (куполообразное жилье) using local materials; leaves shingles, wood, stones, reed, thatch and bricks later.
3. Wigwams are formed with a frame of (выгнутые шесты), most of-
ten wooden, which are covered with some sort of roofing material.
4. To build a wigwam, long fresh poles of oak or willow are driven into
the ground or (закапывать) in holes made with a digging stick.
5. These poles, which form the framework, are arranged at (интервал в
один фут) and are bound together at the top with yucca-leaf strands.
6. The ancient builders (закалынать) the bones of deer and oxen at the
bottom of the ditch and had looked after them for some time.
7. (Мазанка) is a form of wall construction consisting of interwoven twigs plastered with a mixture of clay, lime, water, and sometimes dung and chopped straw,
8. Rafter is a type of beam, which (поддерживать) the roof of a building. In home construction rafters are typically made of (дерева); they are a feature of traditional roof styles.
9. Katsuogi are short, decorative logs found on Japanese architecture, which are placed at a right angle along the (конёк крыши), and are usually featured in religious or imperial (архитектура).
10. It's a good idea to (вырезать несколько лишних стропил); I've found that a couple of mine have bowed when I didn't put them exactly straight into the roof ring, and it's nice to be able to replace them easily.
Мое любимое домашнее животное – кот. Его зовут Мавр. Мой кот очень толстый и добрый. У него небольшая голова. Его лапы маленькие с большими когтями. Его глаза зеленые. Его ушки маленькие. Мой кот любит молоко и куриные шейки. Больше всего Мавр любит спать. Я думаю, коты очень аккуратные и умные.