everyone at least once in a life passed some kind of exam. should we worry about the results of the exam after we did that? at first glance, an answer to this question seems to be a piece of cake. but people actually split down in the middle with no clear confidence. being in the dark about our mark makes us feeling nervous. some people even become down in the dumps, i mean, they fall into depression bothering themselves. they even may understand that it doesn’t make any sense but they commonly can’t help it. but there is a category of people that can manage to not let their hairs down. they stay still whatever they do, particularly, sit in for a test.
to conclude, i don’t want to beat around the bush, that’s why will tell you my clear viewpoint. i also think that feeling nervous while waiting for exam results doesn’t add up.
It was a dark and rainy evening when i was at home alone. I was reading a book when i heard something in the basement. First I wasn't afraid of it. Sometime later i called my farher on his mobile phone and heard the music in the basement. I thounght, "Dad is at home." But when I walked into the basement, i didn't see him there. The music didn't play, either. Only two boxes stood on the floor. Perhaps it was a ghost.
Это был темный и дождливый вечер, когда я была дома. Я читала книгу, когда услышала что то в подвале.Сначала я не испугалась этого. Немного спустя я позвонила моему папе на его мобильник и услышала музыку в подвале. Я подумала, "Папа дома". Но когда я пришла в подвал, я не увидела его там. Музыка больше не играла. Только две коробки стояли на полу. Скорее всего это был призрак
everyone at least once in a life passed some kind of exam. should we worry about the results of the exam after we did that? at first glance, an answer to this question seems to be a piece of cake. but people actually split down in the middle with no clear confidence. being in the dark about our mark makes us feeling nervous. some people even become down in the dumps, i mean, they fall into depression bothering themselves. they even may understand that it doesn’t make any sense but they commonly can’t help it. but there is a category of people that can manage to not let their hairs down. they stay still whatever they do, particularly, sit in for a test.
to conclude, i don’t want to beat around the bush, that’s why will tell you my clear viewpoint. i also think that feeling nervous while waiting for exam results doesn’t add up.
I was reading a book when i heard something in the basement.
First I wasn't afraid of it.
Sometime later i called my farher on his mobile phone and heard the music in the basement.
I thounght, "Dad is at home."
But when I walked into the basement, i didn't see him there.
The music didn't play, either.
Only two boxes stood on the floor. Perhaps it was a ghost.
Это был темный и дождливый вечер, когда я была дома. Я читала книгу, когда услышала что то в подвале.Сначала я не испугалась этого.
Немного спустя я позвонила моему папе на его мобильник и услышала музыку в подвале.
Я подумала, "Папа дома". Но когда я пришла в подвал, я не увидела его там.
Музыка больше не играла.
Только две коробки стояли на полу. Скорее всего это был призрак