Еки жигит базарда 210кг жемис сатты. биринши жигит екиншиден кобирек жемис сатты, бирак екеуи бирдей молшерде акша тапты. уйге барар жолда биринши жигит " егер сенин жемистерин менде болганда, мен одан 8000 тенге табыс табар едим",- деди. екиншис: "сенин жемистерин ушин мен 2000 тенге алар едим",- деди. олардын аркайсысы неше кг жемис саткан?
отрицательныеJulia is not a good pupil. She does not always do her homework. The teachers do not like her. She isn't my best friend. We do not spend a lot of time together and she is not very helpful. She always boats and she gossips about classmates. She won't ll be a good clsass president.
Is Julia a good pupil? Yes,she is.Does she always do her homework?Yes,she does Do the teachers like her?Yes? they do. Is she your best friend? Yes,she is. Do you spend a lot of time together and is she very helpful.Yes,we do Does she boats and gossip about classmates? No,she doesn't.Will she be a good clsass president?Yes,she will.