A monkey has got a long nose, a thick beard and short legs. A monkey hasnt got a long nose and short legs. Its got a small nose and long legs. A peacock has got a long beak, long legs and short feathers. A peacock hasnt got a long beak and short feathers. Its got a short beak and long feathers.What questions do you know the answers to?- Does a giraffe run fast? Does a turtle swim? Does a chimpanzee speak English? Do pigs eat tomatoes? Does a dolphin speak? Does a mouse build a house? Do leopards eat fish? Does a crocodile like other animals? Do bears ride a bike? Does an anaconda live in Britain?Which animal has got a thick mane? The lion. Which animal has got long legs? The giraffe. Which animal has got a small beak? The peacock. Which animal has got big paws? The bear. Which animal has got big ears? The elephant. Which animal has got a short tail? The bear. Which animal has got a thick beard? The monkey. Do ravens live in cities?
I am -I'm - I'm not She is - she's . she's not . she isn't he is he's he's not he isn't we are we're we're not we aren't you are you're you're not you aren't they are they're they're not they aren't
Present Simple ( do , does) I you we they do not don't she he it does not doesn't
Past Present. ( did используем только в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.)
I she he it they you we did did not didn't
Present Perfect что то меня занесло во 2 классе Перфект не проходят
Present Simple ( to be)
I am -I'm - I'm not
She is - she's . she's not . she isn't
he is he's he's not he isn't
we are we're we're not we aren't
you are you're you're not you aren't
they are they're they're not they aren't
Present Simple ( do , does)
I you we they do not don't
she he it does not doesn't
Past Present. ( did используем только в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.)
I she he it they you we did did not didn't
Present Perfect
что то меня занесло во 2 классе Перфект не проходят