Eat well,
feel great,
look great!
We all want to be healthy.
What foods can help us with that?
Bread and grains A balanced diet is based on
bread and grains (foods like rice and cereal). These
foods give you fibre, iron and vitamin B. At least 40%
of what you eat every day should be types of food in
this category.
Fruit and vegetables You should eat plenty of
vegetables and fruit every day to make sure you get
enough potassium and vitamins A, C and E.
Dairy products Types of food in this category, like
milk and cheese, have a lot of calcium and vitamin D.
These two elements protect your bones. You should
consume milk, cheese or yoghurt every day.
Meat, fish and beans This category also
includes eggs and nuts. These types of food give
you iron, magnesium and protein. White meat, such
as chicken, is better for you than fatty, red meat.
Fats and oils A little oil every day (about five or
six spoonfuls) is useful against heart disease.
Eat wisely. If you eat a balanced diet,
you will feel great, look great,
and always be healthy!
Салават Юлаев – национальный герой Башкирии (батыр), поэт-сказитель(сэзэн). Прославился как один из самых активных сподвижников Емельяна Пугачева в Крестьянской войне 1773-1775 годов.
В памяти башкирского народа Салават Юлаев навсегда останется национальным героем, борцом за права коренных жителей страны. Несмотря на юный возраст, он возглавил войско и повел его воевать за правое дело. Однако не только военными подвигами прославился этот отважный юноша. Он писал стихи на родном языке, прославлял свою отчизну, и без его творчества культура Башкирии утратила бы свою колоритность.
Salavat Yulaev, a national hero of Bashkortostan (Batyr), the poet-narrator(Sezen). He became famous as one of the most active associates of Emelyan Pugachev in the Peasant War of 1773-1775.
In the memory of the Bashkir people, Salavat Yulaev will forever remain a national hero, a fighter for the rights of the country's indigenous people. Despite his young age, he led the army and led it to fight for a just cause. However, this brave young man became famous not only for his military exploits. He wrote poems in his native language, glorified his homeland, and without his work, the culture of Bashkiria would have lost its colorfulness.
У меня есть домашние питомцы. Это золотые рыбки. Их зовут Краш и Син. Им два года . Они живут в большом аквариуме. аквариум находится на столе около окна в моей комнате. Я кормлю их специальной едой каждый день. Они умеют хорошо плавать, но они не умеют говорить. Мне нравится наблюдать за рыбками плавающими в аквариуме.