Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence.
write a word in bold from another sentence to
replace the incorrect one.
1 cooks and chefs usually use a sharp knife to fry
fruit, vegetables and meat.
2 if you cut food, you cook it in hot oil.
3 butter is similar to ingredients, but butter has more
fat in it.
4 orange juice isn't a frozen drink because it doesn't
have bubbles.
5 a drink with no sugar in is sugar-tasty.
6 food you keep in the freezer is called fresh food.
7 food like fruit that is not frozen or in tins is called
free food.
8 if there's sugar in a cake then sugar is one of the
9 a margarine is something like a packet of crisps
that you eat between meals.
10 'it's fizzy! ' means that you like it. -
Моя школа большая. Она имеет три этажа. Снаружи она красивая и новая. Но внутри она старая, не идеальная, мне это не нравится. У нас разные учителя. Есть строго злые хорошие, а есть такие, у которых все зависит от настроения. В хорошем настроении шутят и смеются. Есть учителя, которые мне не нравятся, но есть и которые мне нравятся. Наш класс не очень дружелюбный. Учителя часто жалуются на класс. мы можем молчать только с одним учителем. Мои одноклассники не ценят чью-то работу, им обязательно нужно что-то испортить. Но есть и хорошие стороны, иногда мы можем быть дружелюбными. Я все рассказал о своей школе.
As you know I like taking photos. it is my hobby and I can't miss an opportunity to make a photo of an interesting event. Now I want to show you one of my best photos. I took this photo during my holiday when I was visiting my grandmother. This photo shows a man I didn't know before, but I decided to take a picture of him, because I was proud of his courage, that he is not indifferent to what will happen to the surrounding nature. he is against deforestation, wants to change the world for the better. In the background you can see other people and their bright posters. we can see that the protesters are standing on trees that have been cut down. I keep this photo in my album because looking at this photo makes me go back in that time. when I see this photo, I always start to smile at the fact that in our world there are people who care about the world around them. that is all I wanted to say