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05.06.2023 02:06 •  Английский язык

Complete with the following words. passed

arrested make

committed law takes turn

1 The crime he 2 Don't forget to 3 It is against the 4 They 5 He tried to the guard at the door. 6 Before the plane 7 When he heard the alarm 8 Jonathan was

was so horrible there are no words to describe it! off all the lights before you go to sleep. to park your car on double yellow lines, a law to ban all use of mobile phones in hospitals

off with the stolen money, but he was stopped by

off, we aren't allowed to get out of our seats.

off, he panicked and tried to escape.

because he refused to obey the police woman

2. Complete the text. Write one word for each space.

Bob was desperate. He didn't have any money or job so he decided to (1) a crime. He wasn't a very good thief and he didn't really want to (2) the law, but he had run out of ideas about how to earn some money. He put on a ski mask and found a fake gun, and went into a supermarket. He showed the gun and shouted 'Put your hands up! This is a (3) The cashier and the customers took a look at him and started laughing. Bob was puzzled but he soon realised his mistake. The gun was a water pistol! When the police arrived to place him (4) arrest, the police officer was kind to him. At the police (5) they told him that they couldn't (6) him off with a warning, because his (7) was serious, but that he would probably get a light sentence as that was the first time he had done anything (8) the law.

3. Circle the correct words.

1 There was /were some money on the kitchen table. 2 There were very few / a few chairs and we couldn't all sit down. 3 Let me give you a number / piece of advice. 4 you can't sleep, count sheep / a sheep. 5 His furniture were / was very old-fashioned and dirty. 6 Can you please give me a glass /glass of water? 7 He said he found a hair / hair in his food and refused to pay the restaurant! 8 I'm sorry, I can't come. I've got a lot of works / work to do today.

4. Complete with a/an, the or if no article is needed put -

1 Did you see 2 there university in your town? 3 i'd like to go to 4 This job is so dangerous that very 5 6 The police arrested 7 It's true! I heard it on 8 Would you like to go to

adventure film last night? It was awesome!

university when I finish school.

pyramids in Egypt are 4,500 years old!

few people decide to do it!

robber who held up the bank next to my house. radio!

theatre this weekend?

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19.12.2022 04:07
Advantages and disadvantages of tv.tv has good and bad sides. first of all it keeps people informed, we can learn a lot of information watching tv. we can choose programs that appeal to us more, because tv provides programs for all interests. sometimes we can relax, entertain ourselves when we are tired. advertisement on tv gives us information about different products and it makes easier to choose things to buy. when we watch tv we learn about the world, famous people and global or recent news.but tv has a lot of disadvantages. it takes a lot of time and it makes us lazy. and it’s very harmful for our health, especially eyes. some violent programs and films make people violent. violence becomes a vital problem. there is too much advertisement on tv. sometimes it can encourage us to buy things we don’t need at all. watching tv takes most of free time of almost all people. we just watch it, we do not concentrate, and, finally, we waste time.in my opinion people need something like informational center. as for me i watch tv about one hour a day. i watch it when i want to learn news or relax and entertain myself. people need tv, but it can’t be the main thing in their life. it’s interesting, but not the main thing in our life.i don’t really know what we must do to make tv better. i think we can do nothing. we just should not sit hour by hour watching tv. i think we must watch only the most important and interesting things. because if we see everything we’ll become mad.  преимущества и недостатки телевидения.телевизор имеет хорошие и плохие стороны. прежде всего, это держит людей в курсе, мы можем узнать много информации, просмотра телевизора. мы можем выбрать программы, которые обращаются к нам больше, потому что телевизор предоставляет программ для всех интересов. иногда мы можем расслабиться, развлекать нас, когда мы устали. реклама на телевидении дает нам информацию о различных продуктах и это делает легче выбрать вещи для покупки. когда мы смотрим телевизор, мы узнаем о мире, известных людей и или последние новости.но телевизор имеет много недостатков. это занимает много времени, и это делает нас ленивыми. и это вредно для нашего здоровья, особенно глаза. какие-то сильные программ и фильмов делает людей агрессивными. насилие становится жизненно важной проблемы. там слишком много рекламы на тв. иногда это может побудить нас покупать то, что нам не нужна вообще. смотреть телевизор занимает большую часть свободного времени почти всех людей. мы просто смотреть на это, мы не сосредоточиться, и, наконец, мы теряем время.на мой взгляд, людям нужно что-то вроде информационного центра. как для меня, я смотрю телевизор примерно один час в день. я слежу за этим, когда я хочу, чтобы узнать новости или отдохнуть и развлечь себя. люди в телевизор, но он не может быть самым главным в их жизни. это интересно, но не это главное в нашей жизни.я не знаю, что мы должны сделать, чтобы телевизор лучше. я думаю, что мы ничего не можем сделать. мы просто не должны сидеть час за часом, смотреть телевизор. я думаю, что мы должны смотреть только самые важные и интересные вещи. потому что, если мы видим все, мы вскоре сойти с ума.
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05.08.2020 19:12
1. two days journey 2. the room's walls 3. the week days 4. my daughter's helen birthday 5. the book pages 6. seven years work 7. the earth's surface 8. the commander-in-chief's orders 1. this is my friend's bag 2. it's the actress' career 3. this is mrs. brown's signature 4. these are students' mistakes 5. it's a women's club 6. it's a girls' school  7. this is guests' room 8. this is  james' umbrella 9. it's mike's cafe 1. i can't see the box's bottom 2. the ship crew was small 3. it's no one's fault 4. do you like eliot's poetry? 5.that's the table leg 6. where's the car key? 7. the carriage's sound was heard
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