Once I was lying on the couch and watching movies about adventures .As she travels ,I also wanted to ,I called my friend Asl we packed our bags and hit the road .We are not doing anythink interesting when suddenly I saw a suspicious cus I called Asl and we they entered there the ardor of thorn we tried to beware of thorns .I felt that I got hooked ,I got hooked by the thorn of my pants .I neatly
reached for my pants to unhook them.But I was pricked it hurd ,I exclaimed aloud Al Asl tell me what happened ?I showed him my finger he looked at him and with AZAL took about and he gave me cotton wool from the portfolio.We went ahead and saw a small pyramid with a hole at the very tip and ants climbed vere there .I was wondering what would happen if closed the hole ,I put my finger in there and someone bit me it turned out to be an ant .I told the Asl that is enough I am tired of travling we went home I sat ,on the bad and said this my worst journey!
автобус bus [bʌs]
такси taxi ['tæksi]
поезд train [treɪn]
автомобиль car / auto / autombile [kɑ:(r)] / ['ɔ:təʊ] / ['ɔ:təməbi:l]
мотоцикл motorcycle / motorbike ['məʊtəsaɪkl] / ['məʊtəbaɪk]
метро subway / underground ['sʌbweɪ] / [,ʌndə'ɡraʊnd]
снегоход snowmobile ['snəʊmə,bi:l]
троллейбус trolleybus ['trɒlibʌs]
трамвай tram [træm]
междугородний автобус coach [kəʊtʃ]
грузовик lorry / truck ['lɒri] / [trʌk]
велосипед bike / bicycle [baɪk] / ['bʌɪsɪk(ə)l]
тележка, фургон wagon ['wægən]
Водный транспорт
корабль ship [ʃɪp]
пароход steamer
steamship ['sti:,mər]
паром ferry ['feri]
лодка boat [bəʊt]
теплоход motor ship ['məʊtə(r) ʃɪp]
яхта yacht [jɒt]
судно vessel ['vesəl]
Воздушный транспорт
самолёт plane / airplane [pleɪn] / ['eəpleɪn]
вертолёт helicopter ['helɪ,kɒptər]
воздушный шар balloon / aerostat [bə'lu:n] / ['ɛ:rəstat]
Once I was lying on the couch and watching movies about adventures .As she travels ,I also wanted to ,I called my friend Asl we packed our bags and hit the road .We are not doing anythink interesting when suddenly I saw a suspicious cus I called Asl and we they entered there the ardor of thorn we tried to beware of thorns .I felt that I got hooked ,I got hooked by the thorn of my pants .I neatly
reached for my pants to unhook them.But I was pricked it hurd ,I exclaimed aloud Al Asl tell me what happened ?I showed him my finger he looked at him and with AZAL took about and he gave me cotton wool from the portfolio.We went ahead and saw a small pyramid with a hole at the very tip and ants climbed vere there .I was wondering what would happen if closed the hole ,I put my finger in there and someone bit me it turned out to be an ant .I told the Asl that is enough I am tired of travling we went home I sat ,on the bad and said this my worst journey!