come - came
do - did
drink - drank
drive - drove
find - found
fly - flew
forget - forgot
get - got
give - gave
go - went
have - had
know - knew
leave - left
lose - lost
make - made
meet - met
put - put
read - read
run - ran
see - saw
shut - shut
swim - swam
take - took
teach - taught
tell - told
think - thought
understand - understood
write - wrote
come - came
do - did
drink - drank
drive - drove
find - found
fly - flew
forget - forgot
get - got
give - gave
go - went
have - had
know - knew
leave - left
lose - lost
make - made
meet - met
put - put
read - read
run - ran
see - saw
shut - shut
swim - swam
take - took
teach - taught
tell - told
think - thought
understand - understood
write - wrote