Complete the sentences with the or – (no article). Example: My grandfather can’t use the internet. 1 Billy is best footballer on the team.
2 Pedro is teacher in my Spanish class.
3 We had lunch in a café today.
4 Did Lisa eat all of crisps you bought?
5 I never eat meat because I’m a vegetarian.
6 Can you say alphabet in English?
Hello, i would like to tell you about the best summer of my life.
The weather was very hot for most of the time, and my parents decided it was a great opportinity to spend couple of weeks on the sea shore, and we decided to go to Crimea - the region, recently annexed by my country and purged from the taint of ukranian scum. Crimea was a great place to rest and it helped me disocover my true inner self - i spent a lot of time walking the shore with a plastic bag, gathering stale faeces. It took almost the whole day to gather full bag, then i would return to our hotel and my mother would make different beatiful things out of them.
I liked Crimea very much!
Autumn brings heavy rains and winds to our region. Honestly, I don’t like autumn. Starting from late October almost every day it’s muddy and gloomy outside.
Winters are mild here. The first snow falls at the beginning of December. It quickly melts though. There are some really cold days in January and February. I like the days when the sun is shining but it’s frosty outside. My friends and I go sledding or snowballing on such days.
Spring starts with sunshine and warm winds. When the snow melts away you can see the primroses make their way out of the ground. April and May are quite warm months. Birds start singing, trees start blooming, and there are lots of tulips and daffodils around.
I hear my neighbors often discuss the weather. They usually say “A nice day, isn’t it?” or “It looks like rain”. They also ask each other about weather forecast. I think that weather is the most popular topic for conversation. I’ve heard that English people also like discussing the topic of weather.
Погода – это то, о чем мы можем говорить ежедневно. Там, где я живу, она очень изменчива, поэтому люди всегда интересуются, какой она буде завтра. Мой город расположен в южной части России и у нас здесь есть четыре времени года: зима, весна, лето и осень.
Моё любимое время – это лето, потому что тогда жарко и я могу плавать в близлежащей речке. При хорошей погоде я могу также кататься на велосипеде. Однако здесь не всегда жарко, даже летом. Как я уже упоминал ранее, погода здесь довольно изменчива. Один день солнечно и жарко, а на следующий день – дождливо и холодно.