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26.07.2020 01:40 •  Английский язык

Complete the sentences with the correct present forms of the verbs in brackets.
1) (you do) anything tomorrow evening?
2) I (already see) him.
3) The people next door (have) a party now .
4) This dress (not fit) me anymore.
5) I (work) for 5 hours.
6) This fabric (feel) like silk.
7) What (you look) at?
8) She (be) generous, isn’t she?
9) I (not heard) from him for ages.
Choose the correct answer.

1) I this play before.
2) She her hair cut recently.
3) She in the garden for 3 hours.
4) They a birthday party at the moment.
5) We friends for eight years.
1) have seen
has been seeing
has seen
2) have had
having had
has had
3) has worked
is working
has been working
4) are having
have been having
5) has been
have been
are having
Choose the correct answer.
1) She has never been/has never be a mean person.
2) The children are making/have been making a lot of noise now.
3) Joe is just doing/has just done his project.
4) She always helps/have been helping me with my work.
5) Has he played/Is he playing chess before?
6) He has been teaching/has taught the students for 15 years.
Вариант 2
Complete the sentences with the correct present forms of the verbs in brackets.
1) I (not seen) from him for a long period of time.
2) (she like) her new work?
3) They ___ (listen) to the radio now.
4) This flowers (smell) amazing.
5) She (work) on her project for 3 days.
6) These trousers (not suit) me.
7) He (just break) the window.
8) (she already finish) the homework?
9) What (you do) lately?
Choose the correct answer.
1) You ___ very pretty today.
2) I ___ forward to my holidays all year.
3) This cake ___ awful.
4) She ___ this movie recently.
5) We ___ now.
1) has worked
is worked
has been working
2) are having
have been having
3) smell
is smelling
4) has seen
have been seeing
5) hang out
are hanging out
having been hanging
Choose the correct answer.
1) Does he like/Is he liking listening to music?
2) They are moving/have been moving the house at the moment.
3) She loses/has been losing her keys for ages.
4) She has just seen/has been seeing a ghost.
5) He speaks/has been speaking Spanish well.
6) We have been going/are going to the party tomorrow.

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21.09.2022 17:43

Minuses. This does not depend on what you use the machine for – it can be writing a business report, preparing for a test, moral rest or communication – a large amount of time that you spend working with the machine, adversely affects your life.

High brightness of the screen and flickering when moving the cursor, the resulting glare makes the eyes most intense. The lens of the eye is under stress for a long time, vision drops, dry eyes appear. All this leads to cataracts in the future. Prolonged work at the computer, eye strain, frequent flashing of different images leads to fatigue, headaches and sleep disorders. During the time of" sitting " on the Internet, the brain is saturated with a large amount of unnecessary information, which makes you quickly get tired and reduce productivity.

To sit in one place for a long time means to get scoliosis or osteochondrosis, since fluid stagnation occurs. This gives rise to pain in the head and nervous disorders. The movements that we make with the mouse are monotonous, so blood stagnation begins, tingling in the hand, pain in the fingers and swelling. A large amount of time spent on the computer leads to disorders of the nervous system, which is characterized by insomnia, apathy, lethargy and severely reduced immunity.

There is a strong dependence when communicating on the Internet, as a sense of "need"is created. The real world takes a back seat, and the desire to communicate with real friends is also removed, because there are virtual ones. Uncontrolled Internet use in children causes addiction, mental abnormalities, emotional shocks, and so on.

Positive. Despite the negative factors, computers bring certain benefits to people's lives.

1. Special computer programs optimize labor and the work process, which increases the efficiency of everyday work.

2. "Clouds" and file storage allow you to store a large layer of information in the form of a document, photo, or some other format.

3. the Internet has a large amount of information and information that will help you expand your horizons, find what you need and quickly learn lessons.

4. a Large amount of entertainment will not let you get bored: listening to music, watching movies, a Playground, and most importantly, free access to it. The Internet is a platform for communicating with people who come from all over the world.



Минусы. Это не зависит от того, для чего вы используете агрегат – это может быть написание делового отчета, подготовка к зачету, моральный отдых или общение – большое количество времени, что вы проводите за рабочей машиной, пагубно отражается на жизни.

Большая яркость экрана и мерцание при перемещении курсора, создающиеся блики делают глаза наиболее напряженными. Хрусталик глаза долго находится в стрессе, зрение падает, появляется сухость глаз. Все это приводит в будущем к катаракте. Длительная работа за компьютером, напряжение глаз, частое мелькание разных картинок приводит к утомлению, головной боли и нарушениям сна. За время «сидения» в Интернете мозг насыщается большим количеством ненужной информации, что заставляет быстро уставать и снижать продуктивность.

Долго сидеть на одном месте, значит получить сколиоз или остеохондроз, так как происходит застой жидкости. Отсюда возникают боли в голове и нервные расстройства. Движения, которые мы совершаем мышкой, однообразны, поэтому начинается застой крови, покалывание в кисти, боль в пальцах и отеки. Большое количество времени, которое тратится на компьютер, приводит к расстройствам нервной системы, что характеризуется бессонницей, апатией, вялостью и сильно пониженным иммунитетом.

Возникает сильная зависимость при общении в Интернете, так как создается ощущение «нужности». Реальный мир уходит на второй план, а так же убирается желание общаться с реальными друзьями, ведь есть виртуальные. Бесконтрольное посещение Интернета у детей вызывает зависимость, психические отклонения, эмоциональные потрясения и так далее.                                                

Плюсы. Несмотря на отрицательные факторы, компьютеры приносят в жизнь людей несомненную пользу.

1.Специальные компьютерные программы оптимизируют труд и процесс работы, что увеличивает эффективность трудовых будней.                                                                               2.«Облака» и хранилища для файлов позволяют хранить большой пласт информации в виде документа, фотографии или какого-то другого формата.                        

3. В Интернете большое количество сведений и информации, которая позволит увеличить кругозор, найти нужное и быстро усвоить уроки.                                                                                                4.Большое количество развлечений не позволит скучать: прослушивание музыки, просмотр фильмов, игровая площадка, а главное, свободный к этому доступ. Интернет – это площадка для общения с людьми, которые собираются со всего мира.

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29.11.2021 11:47


The beautiful capital of the Ukraine is situated on the famous Dnieper River. It is one of the oldest cities. Its history dates back to the sixth century. Kiev museums exhibited many ancient articles at the Metropolitan Museum of New York.

The War Memorial Park is famous for the monument to the Unknown Soldier. There are many graves of soldiers who defended their country to the death. They made Kiev free from the Nazis.

There are very many sports centres in the capital of the Ukraine. The citizens of Kiev can go in for any kind of sport: football, tennis, volleyball, swimming, etc.

The Kiev ballet on ice is well known in many countries. The Ukrainian folk dance group is also widely known. There are many interesting theatres in Kiev.

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