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13.02.2020 18:57 •  Английский язык

Complete the sentences and questions. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Past Simple or Present perfect). 1.Yo are Lithuanian? Sorry, I (think) you were Russian! a)thought b)did think c)have thought d)am thinking​
2. Frank is very tired! (He/just/drive) 300 kilometres. a) just drive b)has just driven c)just drove d)just drived
3. When (concert/finish) last Saturday? a)the concert finished b)was the concert finished c)did the concert finish d)the concert finishes
4. We're leaving in ten minutes! (you/clean) your shoes yet? a)Have you cleaned b)Did you cleaned c)Did you clean
5. Now, Mr. Jones! Where exactly (you/be) at 7 p.m. yesterday? a)did you be b)were you c)was you d)be you
2. Choose "will" or "going to" for each phrase.
1. I feel really tired. I think I ___ go to bed. a)will b)am going to
2. Where are you going? I ___visit a customer. a)am going to b)will
3. Do you want me to help you? No thanks. John ___ help me. a)will b)is going to
4. Would you prefer tea or coffee? I ___ have some coffee, please. a)will b)am going to
5. Would yo like to come to my house for dinner and talk about this? Good idea. I ___ bring some cake. a)am going to b)will
3. Choose the correct answer (Comparative or Superlative Adjectives).
1. My sister is two years ___ than me. a) young b) so young c) younger d) the youngest
2. Do you know what ___ animal in the world is? a)slow b)slow as c)slower d) the slowest
3. I think spring is ___ season of the year. a) beautiful b) very beautiful c) more beautiful d) the most beautiful
4. Maths is ___ to me than biology. a) important b) so important c) more important d) the most important
5. Helen is ___ ballet dancer in our city. a) good b) good as c) better d) the best
4. Read the article and choose the correct option.
The Story of the Aral sea
In 2009 in Kazakhstan, a group of fisherman met on a Sunday afternoon. They were on the beach of the North Aral Sea. They ate food. They did some sports. Afterwards, they told stories and sang songs about the Aral Sea and fishing. It was a good party.
The fishermen were happy because there were fish in the water. For many years, there weren't many fish. At one time, the Aral Sea in Central Asia was the fourth largest lake in the world. It had an area of 67,300 square kilometres. Two of the biggest rivers in Central Asia, the Amy Darya and the Syr Darya, went into the Aral Sea. But the water almost disappeared.
The Aral Sea was a busy place. Almost 20 percent of the Soviet Union's fish came from here. 40,000 people lived and worked near the lake. Then people used the water in the two rivers for agriculture, so the water didn't arrive at the Aral Sea. Also, it didn't rain for many years.
Then, in 2005, the Kazakh government and the World Bank built a dam. The dam separated the north and south parts of the sea. Then the north part of the Aral Sea started to fill with water again. Philip Micklin is a scientist. He stadies the Aral Sea. In 2010 he said "Nature can come back." But in 2014, he saw satellite pictures of the east part of the Aral Sea. It was completely dry.
In June 2015 a scinetist from Uzbekistan, Yusup Kamalov, and a National Geographic reporter visited the Aral Sea. They found a huge desert. They stood on the sand. Once it was the edge of the water. Now the water is 80 kilometres away. They drove to the water. On the way, they passed oil and natural gas rigs. Kamalov said that every year there are more oil rigs. They arrived at the edge of the Aral Sea. The water was very salty. There were no fish. Kamalov said, "This is what the end of the world looks like".
1. What is the problem in the Aral Sea? a) It's full of oil. b) It's getting bigger. c) Its getting smaller.
2. According to paragraph 1, which sentence is true? a)Kazakh fishermen are good at sport. b) Kazakhstan is next to the North Aral Sea. c) The fishermen met every Sunday.
3. Which word describes the fishermen in 2009? a) pleased b) rich c) sad
4. According to paragraph 2, which sentence is true? a) The Amu Darya and Syr Darya are the biggest rivers in the world.
b) The Aral Sea is one of the biggest lakes in the world.
c) The biggest lake in the world is bigger than 67, 300 square kilometres.
5. What happened because of the dam? a) The water in the Aral Sea disappeared. b) There was more water in the North Aral Sea. c) There was more water in the South Aral Sea.

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12.12.2020 07:44


he territory of Kazakhstan has historically been inhabited by nomadic ethnic groups and at various times was part of empires. In ancient times, Scythians roamed here. Nomads of Turkic origin have inhabited the country for most of its history. The Achaemenid power spread to the southern part of the modern territory of the country around the IV century BC. In the XIII century-as part of the Mongol Empire under the rule of Genghis Khan.

On October 25, 1990, Kazakhstan declared sovereignty on its territory as a Republic within the USSR. After a failed coup attempt in Moscow in August 1991, Kazakhstan declared independence on December 16, 1991, thus becoming the last Soviet Republic to declare independence. Ten days later, the Soviet Union itself ceased to exist.

The leader of the Kazakh Communist era, Nursultan Nazarbayev, became the first President of the country. He ruled authoritatively. The focus was on transforming the country's economy into a market economy, while political reforms lagged behind economic achievements. By 2006, Kazakhstan generated 60 % of Central Asia's GDP, mainly from its oil industry.

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25.01.2020 10:40

" The lies always becomes apparent " - I heard this phrase more than once, but for some reason I always lied further. Maybe I did it because it is profitable for me? I do not know. But for some reason I did.

All my lies came up, sometimes because of me, and sometimes from others.

There was a case when I deceived a loved one in some trifle, then this lie surfaced and the Russian proverb "made from a fly into an elephant" worked. Since then, I have tried never to lie and tell the whole truth in the face of people.

Lies are a boomerang that you try to hide from everyone, but sometimes when you launch it again, it flies not towards you, but towards the one from which you tried to hide it.

Everyone lied and will lie, not always for their own benefit. After all, there are times when lying is really necessary. Sometimes this lie can save a person's life, help him in a difficult life situation.

*Не забудь оценить мою работу как удостоверишься , что она верная поставь мне "лучший ответ" за понимание!

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