Check your grammar: Special questions. 1. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the question
words from the box.
When Where Who Why How Whose What Which
1. UN body deals with population problem? UNFPA =
United Nations Fund for Population Activities.
2. did Uzbekistan join UNO? – In 1992.
3. are some international organizations called
nongovernmental? – They do not depend on governments.
4. does UNISEF stand for?
5. many international organizations do you know? –
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund.
6. idea is to raise money for charity to fund a project? –
7. is The International Court of Justice located at? –
8. Who was The fi rst General Secretary of UNO? – Trygve Lie.
9. answers are all correct?
2 when
3 which.
4 what
5 how